Time of American

  • 1585 English colonists settled on Roanoke Island, Virginia

  • 1610 Hampton, Virginia was settled.

    1610 Hampton, Virginia was settled.
  • William III died

    William III died and was succeeded by Anne, Queen of Great Britain.
  • Sugar act

    1764 April 5 The Sugar Act, intended to raise revenues, was passed by the British Parliament.
  • The stamp act

    1765 October 19 Stamp Act Congress: A congress of delegates from nine colonies adopted the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, which petitioned Parliament and the King to repeal the Stamp Act.
  • The liberty pole were built.

    The Liberty Pole was erected in New York City in celebration of the repeal of the Stamp Act.
  • Tea act

    1773 May 10 The British Parliament passed the Tea Act.
  • 1775 American Revolution began

  • 1776 USA gained its independence from Britain

  • 1861 U.S. Civil War began