Timeline of Gerald Ford

  • Ford takes over for vice president Agnew

    Ford takes over for vice president Agnew
    Ford spent most of his life in congress
  • Ford is Sworn in as President

    Ford is Sworn in as President
  • Ford Nominates Nelson Rockefeller to be Vice President

    Ford Nominates Nelson Rockefeller to be Vice President
  • Ford Announces His "Whip Inflation Now" Program to Congress

    Ford Announces His "Whip Inflation Now" Program to Congress
  • Ford Departs for Visit to Japan, South Korea, and Soviet Union

    Ford Departs for Visit to Japan, South Korea, and Soviet Union
  • War in Vietnam ends

    War in Vietnam ends
    The war in Vietnam ends, the Unided States accomplished what they set out to do. The US does a Babylift to get everyone out of Vietnam.
  • Unemployment Rate rose

    Unemployment Rate rose
    The unemployment rate was higher than it has ever been, at 8 percent.
  • Spanish Dictator Dies

    Spanish Dictator Dies
    Spanish Dictator Franco Dies
  • Gerald Ford Bails Out New York

    Gerald Ford Bails Out New York
    President Greald Ford signs a 2.3 Billion dollar lan to avoid bankrupticy.
  • Ford Announces his Candidacy for the Next Election

    Ford Announces his Candidacy for the Next Election