
Time Capsule 1980s

  • Music

    I chose Micheal Jackson, Whitney Houston, & Madonna for my 3 music artists from the 1980s
    Fact 1: In the early 1980s, Jackson became a dominant figure in popular music. (Micheal Jackson)
    Fact 2: Whitney Houston is one of her first 2 studio albums (Whitney Houston)
    Fact 3: Referred to as the "Queen of Pop" since the 1980s (Madonna)
  • Actress

    I chose Sigourney Weaver for my actor from the 1980s
    Fact 1: Played Ellen Ripley in Alien
    Fact 2: Born October 8, 1949
    Fact 3: Played Ellen Ripley for all of the first 4 Alien movies
  • Sports Figure

    Sports Figure
    I chose Mike Tyson for my sports figure from the 1980s
    Fact 1: Was born on June 30, 1966
    Fact 2: At age 20 he became the youngest heavyweight boxing champion
    Fact 3: On March 26, 1992, after nearly a year of trial proceedings, Tyson was found guilty on one count of rape and two counts of deviant sexual conduct.
  • Technology

    I chose portable phones from the 1980s for my technology from the 1980s
    Fact 1: The original mobile phones were called brick phones due to the fact they were as big as a house brick
    Fact 2: On January 1, 1985 Ernie Wise made the first cellular call in the UK on the Vodafone system operated by Racal.
    Fact 3: The first mobile phone that bears a resemblance to modern devices was the Motorola 8000X
  • News Event

    News Event
    I chose the Pac-Man Fever in October 1980 for my news event from the 1980s
    Fact 1: Pac-Man was originally called Puck-Man
    Fact 2: Highest possible score is 3,333,360
    Fact 3: There is a song devoted to Pac Man called Pac Man Fever
  • U.S. President

    U.S. President
    Ronald Reagan is the U.S. president i chose
    Fact 1: He was a Hollywood actor and trade union leader before serving as the 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975.
    Fact 2: Was president from 1981 to 1989
    Fact 3: Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 in Tampico, Illinois.
  • Movie

    I chose Gremlins for my movie from the 1980s
    Fact 1: Howie Mandel plays Gizmo
    Fact 2: Zach Galligan plays Billy Peltzer
    Fact 3: Phoebe Cates plays Kate Beringer
  • Transportation

    1985 AMC Cherokee is the type of transportation I chose.
    Fact 1: Has a 4 cyl engine
    Fact 2: Has a Am/FM stereo
    Fact 3: Is not much different from the Cherokees today
  • Fashion

    I chose fashion from different stages in the 1980s but mainly the early 1980s
    Fact 1: Hair was typically big, curly, bouffant and heavily styled
    Fact 2: Women's fashion in the mid-1980s became more colorful around 1984
    Fact 3: Women's shoes of the mid 1980s included strappy sandals, kitten-heeled sandals, pumps, and Keds
  • Toys

    I chose Gameboy, Popples, & Gobots for my toys from the 1980s
    Fact 1: First released on April 21, 1989 (Gameboy)
    Fact 2: The first introduction included nine Popples
    Fact 3: Produced by Tonka from 1983 to 1987 (GoBots)
  • TV Show

    TV Show
    I chose Star Trek: The Next Generation 1987-1994 for my show from the 1980s
    Fact 1: Was created by Gene Roddenberry
    Fact 2: Produced at Paramount Pictures, it aired in first-run syndication from September 1987 to May 1994.
    Fact 3: Is the second live-action Star Trek television series, set in the 24th century.