
  • Queen Elisabeth

    She started a company to trade between Britain and India.
  • India

    . Queen Elizabeth I started the East India Company in 1600 to develop trade between Britain and India. English became the language used for trading.
  • Period: to


  • Caribbien

    English came to caribbien. With settlers. A new form of English called Creole is thought to have started as a simplified English spoken between sailors and slaves on the ships that brought the Africans to the Caribbean. We do know that the slaves used many English words, which they mixed with their native language.
  • Caribbien

    Many words in Creole were 'borrowed' from the indigenous population and are now used in the English language.
  • Australia

    There was more than 250 langueges spoken in Australia
  • The first fleet

    The First Fleet' was a fleet of 11 ships, which held about 780 English people. These were not free people. Many of them were criminals who were 'transported for life'.
  • Australia laungage

    Early settlers in Australia tended to lose their regional British accents. As a result, there are few variations in accent and word usage across the whole of Australia.