Youngthomas kuhn[828]

Thomas Samuel Kuhn

By MYR52
  • Thomas Kuhn

    Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born July 18, 1922 in Cincinnati Ohio. Both of Thomas Kuhn parent were college graduates, His father form Harvard and MIT and his mother form a Vassar College.
  • Thomas first school

    Thomas went to many different school when he was under his first was Lincoln School a private school in Manhattan. His was not happy because when he was ten Thomas could not read or write. So, his father pushing him a little and soon Thomas could do both
  • Harvard

    With his four different schools he attended Thomas was a straight A student, and was accepted to Harvard University, his father’s alma mater. His father told him that he would have a better chance of getting a job as a physicist then majoring in Mathematics so, before his first day he knew he would be majoring in Physics.
  • France

    Thomas graduated from Harvard summa cum laude and worked for Harvard in research related to radar where he moved to a laboratory in the United Kingdom. He later traveled to France with the Royal Air Force to study the captured German radar.
  • Returned to Harvard

    Thomas returned to Harvard graduated with a Master’s degree in Physics
  • Married

    Thomas married Kathryn Muhs who like his mother graduate of Vassar College
  • Universtiy of California Berkeley

    Universtiy of California Berkeley
    Harvard did not offer Kuhn tenure, so Thomas accepted an offer from University of California Berkeley where he was named assistant professor of Philosophy and History Departments.
  • The Copernican Revolution

    As Kuhn’s was teaching he offered a course called The Copernican Revolution, that he used for the name he published his first book. His book was an attack on Nicolaus Copernicus’s famous book De revolutionibus. Kuhn stated that Copernicus book was no better than Claudius Ptolemy claim 1400 years earlier. Kuhn when on to say that Copernicus was only there because it more pleasing to the audience and had no scientific reasons.
  • Tenure

    Kuhn was give tenure and wrote his most influential work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    Instead he would like scientists to think outside the neat and organized box. Kuhn believes that this way of think is bring down science itself. A scientific revolution happens when scientists take their paradigm and question it to the fact that is may be possibly that everything we know about in this paradigm could be wrong. Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The University of Chicago Press, 1962.
  • Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity

    Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1842-1912. This book is really not for the lay reader, it is about the historical mess that was The Planck Black Body Law, and how some out this law was not there at the beginning.

    Kuhn, Thomas Samuel. Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1894-1912. Clarendon Press,
  • Married second wife

    Kuhn married Jehane Barton Burns
  • The Road since Structure: Philosophical Essays

    The Road since Structure: Philosophical Essays, 1970-1993. In this book Kuhn explores some changes that have occurred this scientific community since he wrote The structure of Scientific Revolutions
    The Road since Structure: Philosophical Essays, 1970-1993, with an Autobiographical
    Interview. University of Chicago Press, 2002.
  • The end

    June 17 1996 Thomas Kuhn dead at 73 of cancer.