Thomas Kuhn

  • Birth

    Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Bachelor's degree

    Kuhn receives his bachelor's degree from Harvard
  • Master's degree

    Thomas Kuhn retrieved his master's from Harvard.
  • PhD

    After retrieving his master's degree in physics at Harvard in 1946, he went on to get his doctorate in 1949. Kuhn was eventually elected to the society of fellows at Harvard.
  • The Copernican Revolution

    While Kuhn was teaching undergraduate classes at Harvard, he became interested in Aristotle's work. He felt that his theories of the earth orbiting the sun were completely unrealistic. He felt this was only considered accurate because it was morally pleasing to people. This research led him to the publication of his first book.
  • The structure of scientific revolutions

    Thomas wrote this book describing how he saw science as normal and also extraordinary. He brought up his idea of paradigm shifts and challenged how science is developed and researched. He took work from Galileo and Newton and used their concepts to challenge the ideas of Aristotle.
  • Death

    Thomas Kuhn passed away from cancer.