
Thomas Kuhn

  • Born: July 18, 1922 Died: June 17,1996

    Born: July 18, 1922 Died: June 17,1996
    Thomas Kuhn was born on July 18, 1922, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and passed away on June 17, 1996, in Cambridge Massachusetts at 73 years old. He was an American philosopher of science whose 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was influential in both academic and popular circles, introducing the term paradigm shift, which has since become an English-language idiom.
  • Kuhn earned his bachelor's degree.

    Kuhn earned his bachelor's degree.
    In 1943, Thomas Kuhn earned his bachelor's degree while attending Harvard University.
  • Kuhn earned his Master's degree.

    Kuhn earned his Master's degree.
    In 1946 Thomas Kuhn earned his masters degree in physics at Harvard University.
  • Kuhn earned his Doctorate Degree.

    Kuhn earned his Doctorate Degree.
    In 1949, Thomas Kuhn earned his Doctorates in History of Science at Harvard University.
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    Taught Philosophy of Science

    After receiving his Doctorate, he taught the history of Philosophy of Science at Harvard.
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    Taught Philosophy of Science At California

    From 1956 to 1964 he was a professor at the University of California at Berkeley.
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    Thomas Kuhn published a book about the history of science. Its publication was a landmark event in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science. Or as Thomas Kuhn would say, a beginning of a Paradigm Shift.
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    Taught Philosophy of Science at Princeton University.

    From 1964 to 1979 he taught philosophy of science at Princeton University.
  • Paradigm Shifts

    In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn writes about Aristotle’s analysis of motion, Ptolemy’s computations of plantery positions, Lavoisier’s application of the balance, and Maxwell’s mathematization of the electromagnetic field as paradigms. A simpler way of explaining Paradigm Shifts is essentially a tidal wave on how science proceeds to move on based on new discoveries and innovations, this tidal wave can be compared to the industrial revolution but for science.
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    Taught Philosophy of Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    From 1964 to 1979, He was a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Thomas Kuhn Summary Part 2

    Kuhn is widely known for many things, specifically, the development of science. He illustrates this development unlike any other before to describe the complications of scientific change, progress, philosophy, and how it all ties together.
  • Citations

    The structure of Scientific Revolutions - LRI. (n.d.). Retrieved February 6, 2023, from Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Thomas S. Kuhn. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved February 5, 2023, from Bird, A. (2018, October 31). Thomas Kuhn. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved February 5, 2023, from
  • Thomas Kuhn Summary

    Thomas Kuhn was a brilliant philosopher of science for his time. In the beginning, his academic life focused around Physics. He then switched to history of science, and as his career developed he moved over to philosophy of science, although retaining a strong interest in the history of physics. Kuhn went to further gain his Masters in physics in 1946. Finally he earned his Doctorates where he taught students and had more time to dive deeper into philosophy of science.