Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn 1922-1996

  • Thomas Kuhn was born

    Thomas Kuhn was born
    Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • The Copernican Revolution

    The Copernican Revolution
    This is the first book that Kuhn wrote based on his interest in planetary astronomy. Kuhns mainly focused on identifying problems within the Ptolemaic system and Copernicus solutions. He recognized Aristotelian science to be genuine science. Kuhn notes, "each new scientific theory preserves a hard core of the knowledge provided by its predecessor and adds to it. Science progresses by replacing old theories with new ones." (Orman 2016)
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
    In this book, Kuhn discusses normal and revolutionary science. He explains that normal science is how puzzles or problems are solved during a current paradigm. Kuhn claims that science developed in different paradigms cannot be measured. This is because each paradigm adopts new ideas and parameters of how science is conducted. A shift mainly occurs when problems cannot be solved using their current methods, which in turn causes people to think differently, leading to a paradigm shift.
  • The Paradigm Shift

    The Paradigm Shift
    Thomas Kuhn is well known for his theory on a paradigm shift. Kuhns's theory is that science does not gradually change over time and that a set of phases takes place for a shift. Normal science occurs at stage one during their current paradigm using the set of rules to solve anomalies. Eventually, more anomalies appear that do not fit or can be solved within their standards of operation. Therefore, a crisis occurs when new and innovative ideas emerge, leading to a paradigm shift.
  • The Essential Tension

    The Essential Tension
    Essential Tension was a book by Thomas Kuhn that was made up of his research and published essays. Since he did important research on astronomy and the well-known paradigm shifts, he also found research for several other areas of science. Describes how science has changed and how it has always been done. This book gave more information about The Structure of the Scientific Revolution.
  • Thomas Kuhn died

    Thomas Kuhn died
    Thomas Kuhn died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, due to cancer in the throat and cancer of the throat and bronchial tubes.
  • Citations 1-3

    Bird, Alexander. “Thomas Kuhn.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 31 Oct. 2018,
    Marcum, James. “Thomas S. Kuhn (1922—1996).” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
    Marcum, James A. Thomas Kuhn's Revolution. Continuum, 2005, Google Books,, Accessed2023
  • Citations 4

  • Educational Video