Thomas Kuhn

  • Period: to

    Thomas Kuhn

    Born: July 18 1922 - Cincinnati, Ohio United States Died: June 17 1996 - Cambridge, Massachusetts United States
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    Thomas Kuhns theory of Scientific revoltuons was published in 1962. It talks about how Normal science being interrupted by a paradigm shift. He shares his view on how science has been done versus how it should have been done; and shares traits of sociology.
  • Social Science

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions had little direct influence on the functioning of the natural sciences but its impact on social science was enormous. This impact had two aspects; the first was a change in the social sciences’ self-perception, the second was a suggestion of a new role and subject matter for the social sciences.
    Bird, Alexander. Thomas Kuhn, Taylor & Francis Group, 2001. ProQuest Ebook Central,
  • Logical Empiricism

    Conventional wisdom concerning twentieth-century philosophical approaches to scientific knowledge has held that Kuhn’s theory of scientific revolutions is directly opposed to the philosophical movement known as “logical positivism” or “logical empiricism.”
    Thomas Kuhn, edited by Thomas Nickles, Cambridge University Press, 2002. ProQuest Ebook Centrl,
  • Sociology of Scientific knowledge

    Kuhn’s work is that scientists do not make their judgments and in the end, consciously or unconsciously following rules. Judgments are followed in normal science by the example of the guiding paradigm. After a revolution scienctist are released from following these rules to ultimately create new ones.
    Bird, Alexander, "Thomas Kuhn", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =