Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996)

  • Guggenheim Fellow Award

    Kuhn was named a Guggenheim Fellow. The John Simon Guggenheim Foundation is a scholarly grant for individuals "who demonstrate exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts."
  • The Copernican Revolution

    The Copernican Revolution was Kuhns first book to be published and was on the study of planetary astrology. The Copernican Revolution was also a scientific revolution ending with a "paradigm shift" that changed how the western world viewed the planets using the heliocentric model. This made the Sun the center of our universe.
  • The Structure of Scientific revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is one of Kuhn's best works about "paradigms" and "paradigm shifts". Kuhn went on to explain "paradigms" life span of four phases. Phase one is "Normal science", followed by phase two "Model Crisis", continued into phase three "The Model Revolution", and finished with phase four "Paradigm Change". He also explained scientist to be puzzle solvers and that the advancements happened at different speeds, but the changes happened suddenly.
  • George Sarton Medal

    The History of Science Society awarded Kuhn the 'George Sarton Medal'. It is an internationally recognized prestigious award for "a lifetime of scholarly achievement" and has been given out annually since 1955 by the History of Science Society. The only exception was in 1967 when it was not awarded.