Education Timeline

  • Education in the Colonial Period

    Education in the Colonial Period
    <a href='' >education america colonial</a
    Life durring this time in America was not easy. I think that if there hadn't been a law, that required children attend school there would be very few communities that would put school before work for themselves or their children. Today we are still trying to come up with ways to incorporate education that will meet the various needs of each student and his family.
  • The Impact of Jefferson,Webster and Rush

    The Impact of Jefferson,Webster and Rush
    This was the beginning of the democratic debate that continues to this day about how education should be implemented.
  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    Schools became more regional instead of local with an established common cirriculum like the three R's.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann - The Father Of American EducationMost Important (2nd)
    This was the first time that data was put together from a large number of schools. Mann was able to put together information and report on what needed to be done in a systematic way. This was the beginning of the idea of a common way of teaching that we still use today.
  • A Nation of Immigration

    A Nation of Immigration
    Over a million Catholic immigrants arrive in the U.S. and demand that a prodistant cirriculum is not force- fed.
  • Frederick Douglass Role in Education

    Frederick Douglass Role in Education
    Born a slave, he learned to read and write. He later escaped slavery and became a well known public speaker. He advocated justice and equal rights in his speeches.
  • Progressive Reform Movement

    Progressive Reform Movement
    The idea of democratic relationships in the classroom. This was a shift from the previous idea of institutionalized learning to the individual needs of each student.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Pioneers in Our Field Dewey made a significant shift in the way we looked at what education meant to us as a society. His theories that the environment in which we learn will lend to the success or demise of the material presented. We are still finding a balance between whole child and direct instruction in our lesson plans.
  • The Gary Plan

    The Gary Plan
    Gary’s elementary schools were a beehive of activity where children not only learned math, history, and science, but also tended gardens, fed and took care of animals, and acquired demonstrable skills through hands-on activities in the vocational shops
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    This was a landmark case establishing that separate public schools for black and white students was unconstitutional.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    This was a movment that led to laws being passed and enforced to allow equal rights for all children regardless of race to attend public schools together.
  • Disabilities Act

    Disabilities Act
    Children with disabilities could not be turned away from attending a pbulic school.
  • The Standards Movement

    The Standards Movement
    These are a set of academic standards that can be used to establish guidlines for clear, measurable standards for all school students.
  • School Choice Movement

    School Choice Movement
    School Schoice movement showing growth4th most important
    This was the first time families were given a choice of what school to attend instead of being assigned to the school that was the closest. Public schools were now a part of the free market, and as such had to compete for students. As educators we are always striving to improve, so that we can continue to be a valued asset in our comminities.
  • Standardized Testing

    Standardized Testing
    A Brief History of Standardized Testing The standardized testing was established so we could uniformily assess what our children were learning and where we needed to improve. It has created classrooms where teachers are teaching how to take tests and what will be on the tests. It has left behind essential parts of education like exploring, arts integration, environmental stimulas just to name a few.