Theory of Plate Tectonics

  • suggestion of the existance of the mid atlantic ridge

    Matthew Fontaine Maury suggests the existance of the mid atlantic ridge.
  • mid atlantic rigde proven

    The German Meteor expedition proved that not only that the ridge exists but also that it extends around cape of good hopen and into the indian ocean.
  • Continental drift theory proposal

    In 1926 Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift
  • Earth inner core discovered

    Inge Lehmann sends seismic waves through the mathle of the earth. The seismic wave bounced back and therefore there has to be a solid inner core.
  • Alfred Wegener's body found

    Alfred Wegener's body was found. it was buried by one of his companiens.
  • Mid atlantic ridge mapped

    A group of scientists, including Bruce Heezen, Maurice Ewing, Marie Tharp, used sonar to map the mid atlantic ridge.
  • Plate Tectonics

    This is the theory that the earth's crust is broken into many parts that are moved throgh convection currents.
  • Sea floor spreading proposed

    Sea floor spreading proposed
    Sea floor spearding was proposed as a theory of coninental drift,
    Sea floor spreading
    Seafloor spreading happens at the bottom of an ocean as tectonic plates move apart. The seafloor moves and carries continents with it. At ridges in the middle of oceans, new oceanic crust is created
  • Mount Eyjafjallajökull erupts

    Mount Eyjafjallajökull erupts
    The volcanoe Eyjafjallajökull erupted on iceland. it made huge ash clouds because the crater was coveredin ice.
    This volcanie is placed on the northern part of the mid atlantic ridge.