The Wright Brothers

  • birth

    Wilbur Wright was born near millville, Indiana
  • Birth

    Orville Wright was born in Dayton, Ohio
  • When It started.

    Milton Wright Brought a rubber band powered toy helicopter. This toy stuck into the wright brothers mind and thats when they started dreaming of flying.
  • taking interest

    The Wrights take an interest in the "Flying Problem".
  • Wroking to fly

    The Wright brothers started serious work in aviation.
  • Thr Build

    The Wright Brothers were confident about there 17 foot glider.
  • Fly

    The Wright brothers fly gliders at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, refining their control system. At home in Dayton, Ohio, they build a wind tunnel and conduct research on wing shapes.
  • Real flying

    The Wright brothers make the first controlled, sustained powered flights at Kitty Hawk.
  • flying

    The Wright brothers demonstrate a two-passenger airplane in Europe and America.
  • Manufacture

    The Wrights begin to manufacture airplanes.
  • Death

    Wilbur Wright dies of typhoid in Dayton, Ohio.
  • The big sale

    Orville Wright sales his airplane- company.
  • monument

    The Wright Brothers Monument at Kitty Hawk is dedicated.
  • Death

    Orville Wright dies of a heart attack in Dayton, Ohio and the Wright brothers' first powered airplane, the 1903 "Flyer," is enshrined at the Smithsonian Institution.