Whiskey rebelion

The Whiskey Rebellion.

  • The Tax is passed

    The Tax is passed
    The first congress passed tax on whiskey.
  • Opposition

    The first meeting of those who opposed the whiskey tax happend.
  • Election

    Formal elections took place in Allegheny, Fayette, and Westmoreland Pennsylvania.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    Excise Officer Robert Johnson was riding through his collection route in western Pennsylvania when he was surrounded by 11 men dressed as women. The mob stripped him naked and then tarred and feathered him before stealing his horse and abandoning him in the forest.
  • Ending

    The president called for soldiers to disperse and go home invoking the militia act of 1792.
  • The repeal

    The repeal
    The whiskey tax was finally repealed after it had became impossible to collect