
The Vietnam war

  • The start of the Vietnam war

    The start of the Vietnam war
    This is when the Vietnam was started.
  • US military employes agent orange

    US military employes agent orange
    The US airforce deployed agent orange - a defoliant that came in metal orange containers-to expose roads and trails used by Vietcong forces.
  • Australian military advisers

    Australian military advisers
    The minister of defence (reginald Townly) announces that he intends to send 30 military advisers to South Vietnam.
  • Conscription started

    Conscription started
    in 1964 we had barely any soldiers fighting in the Vietnam war. Because of this we made it compulsory for males age 21 and up to be legible for conscription.
  • The battle of long tan

    The battle of long tan
    This was when the 108 man D company of the Australian forces clashed with 1500 - 2000 Viet Cong Soldiers. This Battle was located near the village of long tan, in the Phuoc Tuy Province south Vietnam.
  • Conscription is abolished

    Conscription is abolished
    Prime Minister Whitlam announced the end of peace time conscription as one of his government’s first administrative decisions.
  • The end of the Vietnam war

    The end of the Vietnam war
    This is when the Vietnam was ended. The Vietnam war was 19 years, 5 months, 4 weeks and 1 day long.