The United States War in Pacific

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1949, Japanese fighter planes attacked the United States without any type of warning at Pearl Harbor. It was a tragic shock to America. The attack on Pearl Harbor killed around 2,400 Americans. The attack sunk and damaged many
  • Japanese Americans

    Japanese Americans
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese people who were citizens of America were instantly suspected and discriminated against. To avoid any Japanese Americans getting attacked, tthey (120,000) were forced to go live in interment camps.
  • The Draft

    The Draft
    The draft was an act that required every male between the ages or 21 and 36 to register with the draft boards that were located nearest to them. If they were chosen out of the draw, they were forced to serve for one year. On the very first day for registration, more than 16 million men signed up into the draft. As fewer soldiers were needed, the draft was lengthened shorter.
  • War Propaganda

    War Propaganda
    In an attempt to get more people to join the United States army, propaganda such as posters, films, and advertisments were released into the public to make an attempt to convince people to join the army. A majority of the propaganda make an effect and many new citizens joined. This is an important part of American history because without propaganda, america could have possibly of been in turmoil with the amount of people in service.
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    The goal of the "Manhattan Project" was to develop the World's first ever atomic bomb. It was named the Manhattan Project because of the engineers and scientist that managed the work. The project was top secret. Many people protested against the atomic bomb, and wanted the president to think about how the bomb could really effect the world in a negative world if it was released.
  • G.I Bill

    G.I Bill
    As World War II was coming to an end, the concern of how all of the men and women who had put their daily life to a pause was going to return to normal. That same year, congress passed the bill called the G.I Bill. The idea of the bill was to help citizens returning home with the financial help of education, loans, and the care of themselves
  • Women in WWII

    Women in WWII
    With men in the United States going to fight in the war in large numbers, women who were left behind were obligated to take the place of the men who were enlisted and away. Female working numbers went from 27 percent to nearly 37 percent. By 1945, nearly one out of every four women worked outside of their home.
  • Rationing

    Rationing effected everyone in America in various aspects. More than 91 percent of American household had registered after the first issuance of the book explaining was rationing was given. Rationing is when citizens would put up items from their household to give to those fighting. It included food items, oil, and other household items that could be put to good use.