The Undivided League of States

  • Initial Democracy Established

    The "Ratification of Freedom" was published; a document establishing citizens rights' and governmental boundaries. The government is a federal democracy.
  • First President Elected in to Office

    Martin John Reming elected as the first official president of the nation. This event also formed the ideology of a three-branch government, and 4 year terms for presidents.
  • Civil War Begins

    Nation errupts in to Civil War of the East states v. the West states; main purpose was the issue of democracy influenced voting, and how much power the President and executive branch should have over states.
  • Civil War Ends

    The Western states win the Civil war; voting for all citizens is now a constitutional right, and the establishment of checks and balances between the three branches of government are strengthened.
  • The Undivided League of States (ULS) Joins War

    The ULS joins war against Jertuntire over the expansion of Jertuntire's leader, George Armistar, and the paranoia of the fear of expansion of communism getting to ULS.
  • War Ends

    The ULS wins the War of 1921 when Jurtuntire surrenders. The expansion of communism is held at bay, and the ULS is becoming a top military leader in the world.
  • World War Breaks Out

    World War breaks out between nations; the ULS remains neutral until joining the war on September 11, 1946. International pandemic begins due to low medical treatments for war wounds.
  • Pandemic Spreads

    World War ends; the ULS escapes in victory, but with heavy casualty numbers. The pandemic "Pigeon Virus" spreads globally, killing over 5 million.
  • Citizen Revolution

    President Harry Danforth elected; heavy controversy erupts between civilians. Protests grow in large cities, and state authority are sent in. 167 rerecorded deaths of protesters within the first week are recorder.
  • Citizen Uprising Overthrows Government

    Protests continued to grow and become violent; the capital building in Dantin taken over; officially placing ULS government at bay. Harry Danforth assassinated on September 18, 1983.
  • Anarchy Formed

    Anarchy rises throughout the nation; citizens have established proper militia and the ULS is now a government-less nation with Socialist ideas; economy is equally divided among citizens.
  • Nation Grows Without Government

    Anarcho-Syndicalism officially established. Workers are highest priority, and a general league of democratized individuals help lead ULS to become a fully functioning nation without an established federal government.