
The Theory Of Evolution and Religion

  • Charles Darwin is born

    Charles Darwin is born
  • Period: to

    Human fossils were discovered, which gained scientific and popular recognition

  • (TIME CONTEXT) Australian Gold Rush

    (TIME CONTEXT) Australian Gold Rush
    The Australian Gold rush started during 1851 and continued for 63 years, before finally finishing in 1914. Almost 6,000 Kilograms of gold was found, which is worth between 70-90 million dollars today.
  • Religious Leader's Response To Darwin's Theory

    "Some adherents of religion have argued that Darwinian Evolution is utterly incompatible with religious belief. Therefore, they say, Evolution must be rejected. Similarly, some opponents of religion have argued that Darwin’s great achievement is to disprove the claims of religion."
    Quote from North Western University- Darwin and Religious Thought Page
  • Religious Leader's Responses to Darwin's Theory

    "While many scientists defended Darwin, religious leaders and others immediately rejected his theory, not only because it directly contradicted the creation story in the biblical book of Genesis, but also because – on a broader level – it implied that life had developed due to natural processes rather than as the creation of a loving God."
    Quote from Pew Research Centre
  • Darwin's Book Is Relased

    Darwin's Book Is Relased
    "we need not be surprised at this system, when it does act under confinement, acting not quite regularly, and producing offspring not perfectly like their parents or variable."
    -Quote from "On The Origin Of Species, Chapter One" By Charles Darwin This proves the point of the Theory Of Evolution, and explains that the Theory Of Evolution has truth and science behind it.
  • (Java Man) Homo sapiens skull discovered in Java, Indonesia.

    (Java Man) Homo sapiens skull discovered in Java, Indonesia.
    "Originally, this skull was thought to be about 50,000 years old and attempts were made to link this skull with the arrival of the first Australians. However, dating methods have been unable to determine exactly how old it is. It is now thought to be probably less than 20,000 years old."
  • Henry Cardinal Manning Decounced Darwin's Views.

    Henry Cardinal Manning Decounced Darwin's Views.
    England’s highest-ranking Catholic official, Henry Cardinal Manning, denounced Darwin’s views as “a brutal philosophy to wit, there is no God, and the ape is our Adam.” Samuel Wilberforce, the Anglican Archbishop of Oxford and one of the most highly respected religious leaders in 19th-century England
  • Australian Open Founded (TIME CONTEXT)

    Australian Open Founded (TIME CONTEXT)
    The Australian Open (Tennis Tournament) was founded during the year 1905. This was only a Men's tournament, but a women's section was added 17 years later during 1922.
  • Kenneth Miller Gives an Evolutionary Theory Speech

    Kenneth Miller Gives an Evolutionary Theory Speech
    "Now, why do they call it atomic theory? Is it because it is "just a theory" that atoms exist? No of course not, what atomic theory is a series of well-reasoned, interlocking explanations that account for hundreds of thousands of experimental facts. That's the point. Theory is a higher level of understanding. In fact, theories in science don't become facts, theories are used to explain facts."
    Dr Kenneth Miller
    This shows the Dr Miller believed that Darwin's theory was indeed a fact.
  • Scientists discover human remains and revisit Darwin's theory

    Scientists discover human remains and revisit Darwin's theory
    "This means that if an environment changes, the traits that enhance survival in that environment will also gradually change, or evolve" Scientists are continuing to experiment with the Theory Of Evolution today.