
The Telephone

  • Principle of the telephone was uncovered

  • Period: to

    History of the Telephone

  • Alexander Bell invents the telephone, beating Elisha Gray by a matter of hours

  • The Very first Permenent telephone wire was completed

  • You can now call other people rather then having a direct line

  • Subscribers when given designated numbers rather then names

  • during the 1880's Long distance lines were invented which abled people to call others further then 1 mile away

  • First coin operated telephone was built

  • 'French Phone' had a transmitter and reciever in a simple handset

  • It was apparent that 10 million Bell Telephones were in service and working

  • The Telephone wires were improved to have a third person in one call, it also made it more easy for FBI and Police to hack into phones

  • The worlds first Commercial Mobie Phone was Constructed and was serviced using radio-waves