The Space Race

  • Sputnik 1

    USSR launches the first satellite to be in space.Starts the Space Race.
  • Sputnik 2

    Space RaceUSSR sends Laika the dog into space to prove animals can survive.With no way to bring her back to earth they had to gas her.
  • Explorer 1

    Space RaceFirst American satellite to enter space.
  • N.A.S.A.

    U.S. creates The National Aeronautics and Space Administrations is created.Replaces the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics.
  • Vostok 1

    Space RaceUSSR sends Yuri Gagarin into space, he becomes the first man in space, he orbits Earth once.
  • Freedom 7

    Alan Shepard is the first american in space.15 years later he was the fifth man on the moon, and the first man to play golf on the moon.
  • Vostok 6

    Space.comUSSR sends Valentina Tereshkova to space, she becomes the first woman in space, she orbits Earth 48 times.
  • Plane Crash

    About.comUSSR's first man in space, Yuri Gagarin dies in a plane crash at thirty four years old.
  • Zond 5

    Space RaceUSSR launched Zond carrying a biological payload including two turtles.
  • Apollo 11

    Space RaceU.S. sends Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to land on the moon. Michael Collins stayed in the ship and orbited around the moon.