The Six Famous American Documents

  • The Charters Of Virginia Company Of London

    The Charters  Of Virginia Company Of London
    Authorized the establishment of colonies. Allowed for a represenatative form of government. Guaranteed english rights to the colonists. written in 1606 by KIng James 1st . Early virginians and americans were eager to put their ideas ideas freedom into writing.
  • Virgina Declaration of Rights

    Virgina Declaration of Rights
    This document written by George Mason served as a model for the Bill of Rights. This document is also the basis for the first ten Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration Of Independence
    Stated grievances against the king of great britain, declared the colonies independence from great britain, affirmed certain unalienable rights "( life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)", thomas jefferson was busy writing again and authored this document, and was adopted on july 4, 1776.
  • The Virginia Statute For Religious Freedom

    The Virginia Statute For Religious Freedom
    Separates chruchand state, also lets anyone worship any religion freely.Was the basis for the first amendment of the Constitution.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Established the first form of National government for the independent states, weakness of central government (ex. No power, No tax and enforced laws) led to the writing of the constititution of the U.S.A, and completed in 1781 by thje second continental congress.
  • The U.S. Constitution

    The U.S. Constitution
    This famous document says that everyone is equal under law with majority rule. It aslo says the rights of minority are protected.