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World War II.

  • Hitler invades poland.

    Hitler invades poland.
    It has been considered the trigger for World War II. Before that, the question of Poland was among the secret clauses of the Non-Aggression Pact signed between Germany and the USSR in August 1939. They stipulated that the country would be annexed and divided into two areas: one for the Soviets and the other for the Germans.
  • United Kingdom and France declare war on Germany

    United Kingdom and France declare war on Germany
    On September 17, 1939, Soviet troops attacked from the east. Poland was quickly defeated, but, to the surprise of Hitler, two days later, Britain and France, under mutual aid agreements established with Poland, declared war on Germany.
  • Winston Churchill.

    Winston Churchill.
    Winston Churchill was born in Oxford in 1874. He was a Britsh statesman, orator and author. He was prime minister of United Kingdom for two periods and, in one of them, he led the United Kingdom to victory against Nazi Germany and the Axis power in the Second World War. In 1953 he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. He died in London in 1956.
  • Charles De Gaulle.

    Charles De Gaulle.
    Charles De Gaulle was born in France. He was a military general and statesman. He was the leader of Free France and the head of the Provisional Government of the French Republic. In 1958, he founded the Fifth Republic and was elected as the 18th President of France, a position he held until his resignation. He was the dominant figure of France during the Cold War era and his memory continues to influence French politics.
  • Churchill becomes Prime Minister.

    Churchill becomes Prime Minister.
    he became British prime minister. His steadfast refusal to accept defeat, surrender or a peace agreement helped inspire British resistance, especially during the first difficult years of the war, when Britain stood alone in its firm opposition and war against Nazi Germany. He was noted for his speeches. He led as prime minister until it was sure the victory of the Allies over the Axis Powers.
  • British forces were evacuated from Dunkirk.

    British forces were evacuated from Dunkirk.
    The evacuation was possible because Adolf Hitler had ordered the May 24 German General Gerd von Rundstedt, commanding armored Army Group A of the Wehrmacht, to stop at the gates of panzer speculates that Dunkerque.Se the Führer would not overly humiliate the British, in order to obtain a peace treaty with the nation's future, which did not want war.
  • The Rationing.

    The Rationing.
    During World War II, you could not walk into a store and buy sugar, butter or meat as you wanted. All those things were rationed, which meant they were only allowed to buy a small amount (even still able to pay more). The government introduced rationing, because some things were scarce during the war and rationing was the only way to ensure that everyone had their fair share.
  • Hitler decides to postpone his invasion after the British defeat in battle.

    The fall of France left England alone against Germany. Hitler began preparations to England offensive (Operation "Sea Lion"). The attempt to gain air supremacy over the English Channel and the British response is known as Battle of Britain. On September 17, Hitler decided to postpone the invasion, a month later delayed again for next year, but was never taken up.
  • The Blitzkrieg.

    The Blitzkrieg.
    The term "Blitzkrieg" means in German "Blitzkrieg". It was to take advantage of mobility, speed and surprise in managing clustered in tight formations, supported from the air by aviation units. By blitzkrieg tactic, Germany defeated Poland (1939), Denmark Holland, Belgium, France and more countries except Britain, which was protected from ground attack by the English Channel.
  • Blitz against British cities.

    Blitz against British cities.
    Blitz is called, to all air operations as bombing, which on British civilians threw the army of Nazi Germany. It was developed between 1940 and 1941. The Blitz was another stage in the Battle of Britain. The bombings reached all major cities of England. Thus, Germany intends to fight back and respond to the bombing that suffered from early May on military targets.
  • The Allies take Tobruk in North Africa and resist German attacks.

    The Allies take Tobruk in North Africa and resist German attacks.
    In mid-1941, the African front was the most important of the entire war. The Allies take Tobruk in North Africa, because everyone wanted to open a route to the Middle East, oil-rich territory .To June 1942, the port of Tobruk, were in the hands of the Axis.
  • Operation Barbarossa.

    Operation Barbarossa.
    The main cause was the desire of Hitler to annex the territory between the Vistula and the Urals. The invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa-) is considered the most important decision of war. Hitler's plans for the conquest of the European part of the URSS in three months. The conflict broke out on June 22, 1941. In a matter of weapons the Soviets exceeded the number, while the Germans provided quality.
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and America entered the war.

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and America entered the war.
    Japanese aircraft attacked by surprise the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, where the fleet of American Pacific war was concentrated. The attack badly damaged the US naval and air power in the Pacific. This aggression angered the American people and Roosevelt got the December 8, 1941, Congress approved the declaration of war against Japan.
  • The Battle of Singapore.

    The Battle of Singapore in World War II. The Japanese beat the Australians and British. On February 15, 1942 Singapore passed to Japanese rule. about 25,000 prisoners were taken.
  • The Battle of Midway.

    The Battle of Midway.
    The Battle of Midway was a naval conflict occurred between 4 and 7 June 1942 in the Pacific where US naval forces halted the Japanese attempt to invade, where the first had a military base. The Japanese defeat was a serious obstacle to its expansion plans for the rest of the Pacific.
  • Mass murder of Jews at Auschwitz.

    Mass murder of Jews at Auschwitz.
    Mass murder of Jews at Auschwitz: The complex of concentration camps Auschwitz was the largest that created the Nazi regime. From 1942 to 1944 more than 450,000 Jews were transferred to the field. At least 960,000 Jews were killed in Auschwitz. Among the other victims Poles, Roma (Gypsies), Soviet prisoners of war and citizens of other nationalities are included.
  • The defeat of Stalingrad.

    The defeat of Stalingrad.
    Stalingrad area the last units of the Nazi forces stopped resisting the Soviet army. The defeat of Stalingrad affected Germany's allies, after losing in the winter of 1942-1943 most of its suitable for combat units. Romania, Hungary and Italy almost completely ceased its participation in the war between the USSR and Germany.
  • Indian and British forces fighting against Japan in Burma.

    Indian and British forces fighting against Japan in Burma.
    Burma was in Japanese hands since 1942. The commander of Japanese forces since 1943, was General RenyaMutaguchi objective being the offensive would prevent what seemed imminent invasion of Burma by British forces, but also defenses would be established in the border mountains between Burma and India serving as protection against any British attempt to attack from India.
  • The victory of the Allies in Africa allows the invasion of Italy.

    The victory of the Allies in Africa allows the invasion of Italy.
    From North Africa, the Allies launched the invasion of Italy, the king deposed Mussolini and gave power to Marshal Badoglio. The Germans stopped the Allied advance to Rome in Montecassino, and managed to keep northern Italy established a fascist state that remained in command of Mussolini.
  • The battle of Montecassino.

    The battle of Montecassino.
    Series of four tough battles during World War II with the intention on the part of the allies, Gustav cross the line and take Rome. It involved by 105,000 Axis troops, killing 20,000 casualties. By Allied side 80,000 soldiers participated, with a total of 54,000 casualties.
  • The Allies invade Paris and France is released in August.

    The Allies invade Paris and France is released in August.
    Allied troops, under the leadership of US General Eisenhower, went to Paris was liberated on August 25. Ten days earlier, Anglo-American and French troops had landed in Marseille. The Germans tried to stop the Allied push in the Ardennes, in Belgium, but eventually had to retreat. Attacked by the west, south and east, the Hitler regime was preparing to fight his last battle.
  • Belarus battle.

    1944 was disastrous for the Russian Army alemán.las strategic operations achieved the destruction of three German army corps in the area of action of Army Group Centre. Soviet combat force developed a command structure able to get the most out of your troops on the battlefield.
  • Yalta Conference.

    Yalta Conference.
    was the meeting held during World War Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt, as heads of government of the USSR, UK and US Often it is seen as the beginning of the Cold War. President Truman was the death of Roosvelt and was completely uninformed about important initiatives related to the Manhattan Project, which was about to test the first nuclear bomb in history.
  • Surrender of Germany.

    Surrender of Germany.
    On April 25, 1945, Soviet forces joined with the Americans attacked from the west at Torgau on the Elbe River in central Germany. On April 30, 1945, as Soviet forces approached the command bunker in central Berlin, Adolf Hitler committed suicide with his wife. Berlin surrendered to Soviet forces on May 2, 1945.
  • US launches the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    US launches the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    President Truman ordered the use of the atomic bomb that destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 8 August 1945, destroying a multitude of lives arguing the desire to end the war soon to prevent more deaths. On August 14, 1945 Japan surrenders.