The Scientific Revolution

  • 1200

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    People before the Renaissance in the 1200's mostly believed in religious findings and ancient beliefs. Roger Bacon was a bit different, Bacon was one of the earliest people to favor in a system of scientific experimentation. Bacon practiced alchemy in an attempt to prove that magic was how the natural world worked. Some other scientists in the time before the Renaissance did this and helped to spark the scientific revolution.
  • 1500

    Astronomy, Physics, Anatomy

    Astronomy, Physics, Anatomy
    These studied interested the strongest thinkers of these times to study the sky, matter, and the human body. These studies influenced people to want to know more about the world around them which caused many discoveries and the scientific revolution.
  • 1500

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Before Copernicus most people believed the universe was earth centered based on the work of Ptolemy. During the 1500's a Polish scientist discovered the heliocentric theory which argues that the universe is sun-centered. This caused most people to ignore this theory and keep believing that Ptolemy was right because Copernicus didn't have proof or a way to prove his theory.
  • 1500

    From Magic to Science

    From Magic to Science
    In the 1500's people thought that science and magic were practically the same thing. They thought that spells and potions were the reason we could change one substance to another like lead to gold. They thought that the natural world was controlled by magic. This influenced the Scientific revolution because eventually people started to question these magical beliefs and actually test these theories.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius

    Andreas Vesalius
    Was a scientist who studied anatomy. He was able to give explanations on how the complicated parts of the human body works. This caused the world to understand the body and how all the parts work together to make one functioning working machine. This changed the world because it helped for future generations to understand how the body works and does different functions. This made the Scientific revolution occur because it led people to become more interested in the body and want to learn more
  • 1550

    New Study of Nature

    New Study of Nature
    Scientists began to observe the world of nature around them and the things they observed contradicted with the beliefs they had. Yet the things they learned were evidence based so they took over their early beliefs. The new study of nature helped to jump start the Scientific revolution because people learned that their beliefs were wrong and wanted to learn the truths.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    Johannes Kepler was a mathematician who helped Copernicus prove his heliocentric theory. Because Kepler had the tools and intelligence to do this he was able to prove the theory's itself true but he proved some of the ideas wrong. Kepler was able to in the process of proving the heliocentric theory find 3 laws of planetary motion which he published to help prove the theory in 1609
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Francis Bacon was a scientist who believed that theories could only be developed through observation. He thought that you couldn't trust any theory until was proven by repeated experiments. He relied on truths that could be proven physically and not through thinking. This caused the Scientific revolution because many people started to test theory's physically and only trusting thing that were found by repeated experiments because of Bacon. The Revolution used this knowledge for many discoveries.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    In 1632 people still weren't buying the heliocentric theory and didn't think Kepler's research was enough evidence. So a scientist stepped in Galileo was the scientist behind proving the heliocentric theory Galileo made a telescope and studied the "heavens" or the universe. Using his observations he was able to prove the theory. Even with this evidence people still didn't think that everything didn't revolve around the sun.
  • Descartes

    Descartes was a scientist who had a lot of ideas about mathematics, sciences, and philosophy. His ideas led to great discoveries and advancements. He believed that all fields of scientific knowledge were connected. This caused the scientific revolution because this opened up more ideas and more research and caused many discoveries and events. This affected how many people viewed how the world works.
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    In the 1670's Antoni discovered bacteria and a whole range of tiny life forms. Antoni studied these and discovered how microscopic animals worked. This changed the way people saw the world because people didn't know these things existed and now understood the world better. This impacted the world in the future because people now knew about bacteria which is what causes a lot of health problems and stuff.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    After many years of people doubting the heliocentric theory a 2nd scientist stepped in, started to research why the planets moved the way they did. After many experiments he realized the laws of gravity. These findings had a big impact on the world these findings were also a large part of the start of the scientific revolution because they caused peoples views to change on how the world works. If this hadn't happened many other developments wouldn't have been made in the scientific world.
  • The Triumph of New Science

    A lot had been learned from the theory that had been proven right and wrong during the revolution. Many things were devoted to science and the knowledge. These discoveries changed the way people thought the world worked because there were mass changes in beliefs. They challenged the religious beliefs and the theory that magic was science.
  • Gottfried Liebnitz

    Gottfried Liebnitz
    Gottfried discovered calculus along with Isaac newton in the mid 17th century. This is just one of the many discoveries that took place after the main scientific revolution. This made peoples view on math change because they thought they knew everything about math until a whole entire new world of math was discovered. This challenged the fact that all discoveries had been made and there were no new types of math to be found.
  • The scientific approach

    By the late 1700's many discoveries were made and the scientific approach had spread across Europe and the study of chemistry was beginning to be very seriously observed. This changed the way people think because humans were now very knowledgeable and had a lot of understanding about the world. This affects the world in the future because they know a lot more about how the world works and can use these discoveries to make new discoveries.