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The 1929 Stock Market Crash

By jjett20
  • World War I begins

  • America enters World War I

    America joins the war and cast a depresssing shadow on the country
  • World War I ends

    The war ended and people were very joyful.
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    Women ae allowed to vote because the nineteenth amendment is ratified.

    For the first time, the World Series is broadcast over the radio to the world. The NY Giants beat the NY Yankees, 5 to 3 games.
  • The General

    Considered to be the best silent films, premieres.
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover is elected president.
  • Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse is welcomed into the world in Walt Disney's Steamboat WIllie.
  • The Stock Market Crashes

    Everyone goes into a frenzy.
  • The Empire State Building

    The Empire State building opens it's doors for the first time.
  • Prohibition ended

    Selling alchohol became legal again after 13 years.
  • FDR to the rescue

    Franklin D. Roosevelt wins the presidental election by a landslide over Herbert Hoover.
  • Inagurial Address

    FDR gives his first Inagurial Address.
  • Bank Holiday

    The start of a 4 day bank holiday begins.
  • Emergency Banking Act

    Congress passed FDR's Emergency Banking Act.
  • First Firesde Chat

    FDR talks to America during the first fireside chat.