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The Revolver

  • Early Revolvers

    Early Revolvers
    Early revolvers were commonly known as Pepper-Boxes and they had multiple barrels which revolved about an axis and a common firing mechanism which the earliest ones existed as early as 1597
  • James Puckle Invents the "Puckle Gun"

    James Puckle Invents the "Puckle Gun"
    James Puckle invented the "Puckle Gun" which had multiple firing chambers and one common barrel and firing mechanism. A hand crank rotated the firing chambers and brought each one in line with the barrel and firing mechanism.
  • Elisha Collier Patents the First Official Revolver

    Elisha Collier Patents the First Official Revolver
    Elisha Collier patented a flintlock revolver in Britain in 1818, and significant numbers were being produced in London by 1822
  • Samuel Colt Patented His Very Own Revolver

    Samuel Colt Patented His Very Own Revolver
    In 1836, Samuel Colt was granted a U.S. patent for the Colt revolver, which was equipped with a revolving cylinder containing five or six bullets and cocking device.
  • Samuel Colt Had Patented A New Revolver

    Samuel Colt Had Patented A New Revolver
    In August 29, 1839, Samual Colt had issued another patent for a new revolver.
  • Reissued Colt Revolver

    Reissued Colt Revolver
    The February 25, 1836 revolver patent was reissued as U.S. Patent RE00,124 and was titled "Revolving Gun" to Samuel Colt on October 24, 1848.
  • The First "Double Action" Revolver

    The First "Double Action" Revolver
    In late 1851, Robert Adams invented the first "Double Action" revolver. With this revolver, pulling the trigger halfway automatically rotates the cylinder and cocks the hammer, pulling the trigger back some more releases the cocked hammer. Therefore, the user can fire it with just one trigger pull.