Handtiegelpresse von 1811

The Printing Press

  • Sep 10, 1041

    Moveable claytype was first invented in China

  • Period: Sep 10, 1041 to Sep 11, 1041

    Movable claytype was first invented in China

  • Period: Sep 10, 1436 to Sep 10, 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press

    Gutenberg was a goldsmith and business man who borrowed money in order to invent the printing press with moveable/replaceable wooden or metal letters. It made the production of books possible and fostered rapid development in the sciences, arts and religion through transmission of texts.
  • Sep 11, 1436

    Invention of the printing press in Germany

    Gutenberg was a goldsmith and business man who borrowed money in order to invent the printing press with moveable/replaceable wooden or metal letters. It made the production of books possible and fostered rapid development. Gutenberg was not complete with the printing press until 1440.
  • Period: Sep 10, 1500 to Sep 10, 1520

    Medieval Europe

    The impact of the printing press was huge. It fostered economic thinking and improving the efficiency of traditional work processes. It made education more accessible to a large number of people, where as the churches controlled the majority of education and academic learning.
  • "Diamond Sutra" was the earliest book printed in China

    Other printing may have occurred prior to this date.
  • Period: to

    "Diamond Sutra" was the earliest book printed in China

    Other printing may have occurred long before this date. This date is 868 CE