The presidents jimmy carter through george w. w bush

  • Carter pardons Vietnam War draft evaders.

    Carter pardons Vietnam War draft evaders.
    the us goverment went after the draft dodgers after the war accusing 209,517 leaving 360,000 free from charges

    jimmy carter and the soviet union leader sign salt ii to limit the number of weapons the other can have and trying to replace salt 1
  • Iran hostage Crisis

    Iran hostage Crisis
    52 americans were held captive for 444 days after the iran revulation took over the american embassy
  • Reagan is shot in the chest by John Warnock Hinckley Jr.

    Reagan is shot in the chest by John Warnock Hinckley Jr.
    after 69 days into predency ronald reagan was shot in the chest causing a puncherd chest and internal bleeding
  • Reagan signs into law a five cents per gallon gasoline tax increase.

    Reagan signs into law a five cents per gallon gasoline tax increase.
    ronald regan raised taxes to stimulate the economy
  • In his State of the Union address, Reagan calls for a freeze on domestic spending and increases in military outlays.

    In his State of the Union address, Reagan calls for a freeze on domestic spending and increases in military outlays.
    its in the title
  • The Berlin Wall falls, marking the symbolic end of Communist rule in Eastern Europe.

    The Berlin Wall falls, marking the symbolic end of Communist rule in Eastern Europe.
    The berlin wall was takin down as a responce to america winnig the cold war
  • Clinton signs a health care reform bill

    Clinton signs a health care reform bill
    it will allows workers who change or lose their jobs to keep their health insurance coverage.
  • Clinton orders a cruise missile strike against Iraq after Saddam

    Clinton orders a cruise missile strike against Iraq after Saddam
    clinton vows that saddam will pay the price for his actions
  • Senate ratifies the Chemical Weapons Convention

    Senate ratifies the Chemical Weapons Convention
  • Iraq invades Kuwait.

    Iraq invades Kuwait.
    Iran invades kuwait for there oil forcing the U.S. to go in operation desert srotm
  • Terrorists bomb American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224 people, including 20 Americans.

    Terrorists bomb American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, killing 224 people, including 20 Americans.
  • United States airplanes attack Iraqi radar sites to enforce a “no-fly zone.”

    United States airplanes attack Iraqi radar sites to enforce a “no-fly zone.”
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
  • U.S. spy plane flying over the South China Sea is clipped by a Chinese fighter jet

     U.S. spy plane flying over the South China Sea is clipped by a Chinese fighter jet