the presidents

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    Abraham Lincoln

    he was a wartime president that had let the north win in the fight over slaves. he had issued a document called the declirations of independence which freed all the slavein the northern countrolled teritorys. he was known to be the saver of the slaves as he had freed inisint lives.
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    Andrew Johnson

    Johnson put all his attantion to the reconsruction of the south after the civil war. the important role of his presidents was the veto of the freedmans bearue whiich soon lead to the 14 addmendment wich gave citizenship to the blacks. the only thing is that he issued the black codes which lead to the repress of the freedom of the blacks.
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    ulysses S. Grant

    he had attended to the pardins of the confederate leaders to keep the peace between the northa nd the south. wheal he was doing he had to keep protecting the civil rights to keep the blacks free. finally grant had issued the 15th admendment which gave the blacks the right to vote.
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    Ruford B. Hayes

    in his firtst year of presidents he had ende the reconstruction of the united states. he ahd also supported richard bland and william allision so that the silver coins could still be minted. with his choiceshe had saticfied southerners.
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    Chester A. Arthur

    in january of 1883 he had signed the pendleton civil service act which would distribute jobs. this had dreated the days were you could not fire anyone because of there political views. he had also tried to lower tariffs but instead he isued an act to outlaw the chinease imigrant wich this lasted for ten years.
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    benjamin harrison

    he had argued the rights of homestead and native americans land against railroad industeries. he brook from the republican to oppose the chines immagrants from comeing over. for his kindness he had kept the vetern benifits and jjincreased the expansion of the us navy.
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    william mckinley

    president mckinley had issued an open door policy which he had issued it by sending troops to help put down boxer rebelion. he supported the sending of troops to the philippeans after the end of the war. spain had told the us that they sunk there ship which angered william so he went to war .
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    theodore Roosevelt

    he had heard of the out break in pennsylvania of the coal miners he had settlesd this disagrement by giving the miners more pay. as everyone knows that he had a thing for the nature and he had isued the reclamantion act and started the building national parks. he ewas the first to be ralected in office in a row were he soon made the united states apart of the worlds power.
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    Woodrow Wilson

    woodrow wilson was in presidents when the war brook out he lead our nation as we fought. he had got realected by the people for the help and ade of the people. he ahd also put int the comand of the 18th admendment to outlaw the manufacture and transportantion of alchole
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    warren G. Harding

    he had reduced the taxes and teriffs but he only made it particularly for the industerie and wealthy individuals of that time. he had also made immigrantion out lawed so the immigrants coukld not go over. he ahad also issued the disarmineing of navle force over the world.