Telefonos antiguos 50 db

The Phone

By janiveg
  • Introducction

    A mobile phone is an invention who was created so people can communicate over longs distances. The first mobiles phones was hook switch but and you could only call with them. But with passage of time they have been improving and giving way to the Smartphones.
  • First call, first telephone

    First call, first telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell I made the first call to his assistant and day “Mr. Watson, come here, I need you”. With this call Alexander I believe the era of the telephones, and this phone is recognized as the first.
  • First Touch-Phone

    First Touch-Phone
    In 1963, was introduced a Touch-Phone. This touch- Phone allowed other phones to use a hook switch to dial numbers and make phone calls. When you pressed the number button you wanted to record, a frecency was transmited to the telephone operator wich number you wanted to call.
  • Motorola Dyna TAC 8000X

    Motorola Dyna TAC 8000X
    This was the first comercially phone. This phone was invented by Mrtin Cooper. You could take this phone anywhere you want because it was not connected to any plug, but it worked with a battery that lasted 1 hour.
  • Iphone OS

    Iphone OS
    The Iphone OS was invented in 20o7 by Steve Jobs. This is the first Smartphone, the first phone with touchscreen. These phones allow you to install various applications for entertainment and communication and allow the access to internet. They have heat sensors that when pressing the screen allows you to write or or move from one screen to another.
  • How phones has helped people over the years.

    How phones has helped people over the years.
    The phones are invented so people can communicate over the distance. At first you can only call but with the passage of the time, they have been improving them. Now you can download other applications to entretainment ar to communicate. Also, you can take photos and send to your friends and to your family so they can see how are you changing with the time.