Eng hist 10 old eng

The Old and Middle English Periods (449 - 1500)

  • 449

    Occupation of Great Britain by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, And Frisians

    Occupation of Great Britain by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, And Frisians
    Most of the population speaks English now.
  • 597

    Saint Augustine of Canterbury arrives in England

    Saint Augustine of Canterbury arrives in England
    Introduces the influence of Latin by baptizing King Ethelbert of Kent.
  • 664

    Linking of English Culture with mainstream Europe

    Linking of English Culture with mainstream Europe
    The Synod of Whitby aligned the English with Roman rather than Celtic Christianity.
  • 730

    Recording the early history of the English people.

    The Venerable Bede produced his Ecclesiastical History of the English People.
  • 787

    The Scandinavian Invation

    The Scandinavian Invation
    It began in the northeast seacost.
  • 865

    The Scandinavians occupied northeastern Britain

    They began a campaign to conquer all of England.
  • 871

    Alfred became king of Wessex

    Alfred became king of Wessex
    Alfred regained British territory and empowered its culture.
  • 987

    Ælfric went to the abbey of Cerne

    Ælfric went to the abbey of Cerne
    He created a prose style that influenced following centuries.
  • 991

    Olaf Tryggvason invaded England

    Olaf Tryggvason invaded England
    The English were defeated at the
    Battle of Maldon.
  • 1000

    The manuscript of the Old English epic Beowulf was written.

    The manuscript of the Old English epic Beowulf was written.
  • 1016

    Canute became king of England

    Canute became king of England
    He established a Danish dynasty in Britain.
  • 1042

    Edward the Confessor became king of England.

    Edward the Confessor became king of England.
    The Danish dynasty ended with the death of King Hardicanute.
  • 1066

    The Normans conquered England

    The Normans conquered England
    The native English nobility is replaced with Anglo-Normans and introducing Norman French as the language of government in England.
  • Dec 25, 1066

    William, duke of Normandy, was crowned king of England.

    William, duke of Normandy, was crowned king of England.
  • 1204

    King John lost Normandy to the French

    King John lost Normandy to the French
    England distances from the Continent.
  • 1258

    King Henry III issued the first English-language royal proclamation since the Conquest

    King Henry III issued the first English-language royal proclamation since the Conquest
    The growth of the English constitution and parliament begins.
  • 1337

    The Hundred Years’ War promotes English Nationalism.

    The Hundred Years’ War promotes English Nationalism.
  • 1348

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    An estimated one-third of England’s population was killed and continued to plague the country for much of the rest of the century.
  • 1362

    The Statute of Pleadings was enacted

    The Statute of Pleadings was enacted
  • 1381

    The Peasants’ Revolt led by Wat Tyler

    The Peasants’ Revolt led by Wat Tyler
    It was the first rebellion of working-class people against their exploitation.
  • 1384

    John Wycliffe died.

    John Wycliffe died.
  • 1400

    Geoffrey Chaucer died.

    Geoffrey Chaucer died.
  • 1430

    The written standard of English is created by The Chancery office.

    The written standard of English is created by The Chancery office.
  • 1476

    William Caxton brought printing to England.

    William Caxton brought printing to England.
  • 1485

    Henry Tudor became king of England

    Henry Tudor became king of England
  • 1497

    English territorial expansion begins overseas

     English territorial expansion begins overseas
    John Cabot sailed to Nova Scotia