The Occupy Movement

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    The Occupy Movement

  • The Day Occupy Wall Street Begins

    The Day Occupy Wall Street Begins
    This was the first day of the occupy movement. The movement was inspired by a Canadian magazine Adbusters. Protesters set up at Zuccotti Park
  • Occupy Boston Starts

    Occupy Boston Starts
    Fallowing in the footsteps of New York, Boston starts there own movement in Dewey Square
  • Occupy Iowa City Starts

    Occupy Iowa City Starts
    After a wave of cities start the occupy movement, Iowa City starts there own in College Green Park. Daily Iowan Article Oct 7
  • Occupy Oakland Starts

    Occupy Oakland Starts
    The occupy movement is now coast to coast.
  • Occupy Iowa Agrees to a Permit With the City

    After a few weeks of living in College Green Park illegally Iowa City protesters agree to a permit with the city. Occupy Agrees to a Permit
  • Occupy Oakland Riots

    Occupy Oakland Riots
    After police raid the camp site in Oakland early that day, protesters take to the street. Police Use Tear Gas to Stop the Riot
  • Zuccotti Park is cleaned up at 1 am with police raid

    Zuccotti Park is cleaned up at 1 am with police raid
    Police kick protesters out of Zuccotti Park in New York to clean it up. Everyone staying at the park was not allowed to be on the property until the park was cleaned. Police clear out Zuccotti Park.
  • Protesters allowed back into Zuccotti Park

    Protesters allowed back into Zuccotti Park
    After the park was cleaned out of all tents, garbage, and unsafe materials, protesters were allowed back in. This time though, they are not allowed to bring any sleeping material into the park. Court agrees to let Protester back into Park
  • Occupy Iowa asks Students to Walkout of Class

    The occupy Iowa City protesters ask students to walkout of class, so that members of the movement can educate students on what is the occupy movement. UI Walkout
  • Occupy Iowa City Protesters at Newt Gingrich Rally

    Occupy Iowa City Protesters at Newt Gingrich Rally
    Occupy Iowa City protesters go to Newt Gingrich's rally in Iowa City and interrupt the republican candidate's rally New Gingrich Rally Interrupted