
The New Deals

  • Period: to


  • Goveners Instate bank Holidays

    Goveners Instate bank Holidays
    Governments temporarily closed down banks before citizens had the opportunity to do bank runs on them. Many banks were saved from being shut down through this process.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
    Offered Young Men jobs building public works like roads and parks. Gave millions a small, but steady income.
  • Fireside Chats

    Fireside Chats
    President Roosevelt adresses the nation weekly to assure them of the work he is putting into recovering the national economy. Reasures the public of the economic situation
  • Farm Credit Administration

    Farm Credit Administration
    Disigned to relieve farmer of their morgage debt.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    Federal Emergency Relief Administration
    Chanelled money to state relief projects. However, the incredible amount of money spent on the project led to criticism in the public eye.
  • Agriculture Adjustment Act

    Agriculture Adjustment Act
    The government payed for farmers NOT to produce certain crops. Worked for farmers who only produced one crop, farmers who produced multiple crops did not fair as well.
  • Homeowners Loan Corperation

    Homeowners Loan Corperation
    Disigned to help the national morgage debt by refinancing homeowners. Worked well for everyone except farmers, who did not qualify for the program. Was in effect until 1936.
  • Public Works Administration

    Public Works Administration
    Created public works projects to give the public projects to work on to stimulate the job market. Created millions of new jobs and helped to renovate the nation.
  • National industrial Recovery Act

    National industrial Recovery Act
    Established bargining rights for unions in industrial jobs and established rules and codes that industries were required to follow. had few short lived benefits.
  • American Liberty League

    American Liberty League
    Opposers to The New Deal gather to discuss posibilities for different stratigies to end the great depression.
  • Civil Works Administration

    Civil Works Administration
    Directly hired citizens to work on public projects. Helped many get jobs , but used a lot of government money.
  • Deficit Spending

    Deficit Spending
    Roosevelt begins spending money the government doesn't have to pay for his various programs involved with the creation of the new deal.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    Employing Unskilled men to work on more public works projects. Hired a large number of unemployed artists. Worked well at getting americans jobs. Was dissolved with america's entrance intno WWII
  • National Labor Relations Board

    National Labor Relations Board
    Created to balence rights for industry workers in unions and to repair unfair work conditions. Developed workplace elections to determine whether or not workers wanted a union.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Provided financial security for older citizens or citizens who were still unemployed. Worked to great effect and is still in use to this day.