
The Nazi Hunters Timeline by Kenny PR

By 2170565
  • Sapir's Arrival in Aushwitz

    Sapir's Arrival in Aushwitz
    Eichman would treat dehumanization of the jews are a routine schedule, all of his lying, robbing, and cruelty to him was just his perfected technic. Zeev suffered this first hand when Eichman told him and other jews that they were being moved to a safer location, but in reality, the Jews were going to concentration camps.
  • Bombing Run on Budapest

    Bombing Run on Budapest
    750 Allied planes bombed Budapest and left leaflets to tell Nazis to surreder
  • Rescue of Zeev

    Rescue of Zeev
    Zeev was being marched to a concentriation camp when the Russians came and rescued him, but he wouldn't be in good health till April
  • Eichmanns Together

    Eichmanns Together
    Eichman was able to get his family into Buenos Aires with him. He hadn't seen his family in 8 years and they were reunited and all in hiding.
  • Delayed Search

    Delayed Search
    The search for Eichman was ended for several years because neither Israel or the US wished to try and look for him, they had other objectives.
  • Letter to Bauser

    Letter to Bauser
    Lother wrote a letter to Fritz Bauer about his daughters finding about Adolf Eichman when she went to the Eichman's house
  • Finding a Lead

    Finding a Lead
    Isser Harel gets a file about Eichman's where abouts and for the first time Isser starts looking into Eichman and where he is
  • Following Leads

    Following Leads
    Sylia and Lothar look for Eichman and find a name, that they believe is an alias for Eichman in record books.
  • Rise of Neo-Nazism

    Rise of Neo-Nazism
    685 Jewish locations throughout West Germany vandalized, synagogues had Juden Raus(Jews Out) painted on them.
  • The Hunt is Under Way

    The Hunt is Under Way
    Ziv Aharoni begins his search for Klement the suspected alias of Eichman, in his search, Aharoni gave Harel more than enough info to confirm this theory. Aharoni gave the code "The driver is black"
  • Target Confrimed

    Target Confrimed
    Rendi visited the Eichman's with the cover story of looking for a home. Rendi was able to get nearly perfect picture at great angles of the Eichmann family without them noticing.
  • Making The Team

    Making The Team
    Harle created the team to catch Eichman. Dani the forger, Tabor technical master, Aharoni area knowledge and integration skills, Gat cool headed agent, Malkin expert in disguises, Ilani knowledge of the area and spoken fluent Spanish, Dr.Elian doctor for the team and Medad front man of the team
  • Aharoni's Mistake

    Aharoni's  Mistake
    Aharoni, Gat, and Shalom all in a car saw Eichman and Aharoni braked and pulled aside to the opposite side of the road. Shalom then said "Stop that! Drive away!" Aharoni quickly accelerated the car, horrified at the mistake he made. Luckily Eichman didn't look to see why the car had stopped.
  • Bus Trap on Garibaldi Street

    Bus Trap on Garibaldi Street
    There where men waiting in the dark for someone on the bus. He had no idea that they had done some recon and were waiting for him.
  • Right Behind

    Right Behind
    Aharoni found the bus Eichmann was on and took the bus with and sat right behind him while Eichman was completely oblivious to him. Aharoni didn't feel like he was sitting behind a man, he felt like he was close to evil it's self.
  • Crash

    Rafi turned onto Garibaldi street and saw a motorcycle crash and had to take the cyclist to the hospital and the capture had to be delayed.
  • Got Him

    Got Him
    The Mossad agents put their plan into action, Eichman's bus was almost an hour late but they stayed and were able to get him, he did let out a few screams but no one heard them and when they got him in the car he basically gave the agents a confession that he was Eichman meaning they had the right man.
  • Questions for Eichman

    Questions for Eichman
    Aharoni interrogated Eichmann within Tira( the safe house) the Nazi gave him answer calmly and collected but in a way that showed Aharoni Eichman was living in his own twisted reality, when Aharoni asked if Eichman would willingly go to Israel he refused.
  • Twisted Answers from Eichman

    Twisted Answers from Eichman
    Malkin on his shift for gurading Eichman disobayed orders and stared taking to Eichman. He asked Eichman how he could do what he did, Eichman said he was just following orders and even answered one of his question with the statement "I love Jews." It was shocking for Malkin to see that this man could not see form any other lense but the Nazi's.
  • Depressing Presents

    Depressing Presents
    Isser Harel was surprised to see even after his agents had just succeeded in capturing Eichman they were depressed. Harel didn't know why until he saw Eichman he was pathetic nothing like he was while he was a Nazi officer
  • Eichman Agrees

    Eichman Agrees
    Malkin brought Eichman wine, cigarettes, and music to put him in a compliant and calm mindset to get Eichman to sign the document which he did Medad didn't like how Malkin did it but Eitan said to Malkin "Good Work."
  • Boarding Plan

    Boarding Plan
    The team prepared the plane for its trip to Israel, they prepared a fake wall in front of the bathroom they sudated Eichman and created his disguise and put him in it then set off for the airport where their boarding plan worked flawlessly.
  • Instection

    The flight with Eichman arrived in Dakar to refuel but it did have to be inspected so Elian injected Eichman with more sedative and Gat put Eichman's head on his shoulder to make it look like they all were sleeping, it worked and the inspectors didn't give the plane a secound look.
  • The Announcement

    The Announcement
    Early in the morning, David Gurion went to the parliament and gave the news to Isreal that Eichman was captured and in Isreal on tial after he said this the news spread like wildfire all over the world.
  • Eichman Hanging

    Eichman Hanging
    Eichman's sentence was death and on this day at midnight he would hang, Eichman got white wine and cigarettes and a paper and pen to write to his family, when Eichman walked to into the room, he said to Eitan "I hope, very much, that it will be your turn soon after mine." Then when the rope was around his neck Eichman said "Long live Germany, Long live Argentina, Long live Austria... I had to obey the laws of war and my flag. I am ready."