Modern age

The modern age

  • 1800 BCE

    Carlos IV of Spain and his family, by Francisco de Goya

    Carlos IV of Spain and his family, by Francisco de Goya
    Goya was a court painter to King Carlos IV. He had portrayed kings before, but separately and not in groups. Months after being appointed first chamber painter, he was commissioned to make a large portrait of the entire royal family. Goya began working in 1800, when the royal family was in a palace.He made the sketches with the portraits of each of the members of the royal family.The queen asked the painter to portray them separately, so that they would not have to pose together for a long time.
  • 1784 BCE

    Oath of the Horatii, by Jacques-Louis David

    Oath of the Horatii, by Jacques-Louis David
    This work was done before the French Revolution.
    The drama of this is that a sister of the Curiaceos is married to one of the Horacios and a sister of the Horacios is going to marry a Curiaceos so they decided to fight to see which family was better, they are seen swearing their lives for the country with the Nazi symbol while Father Horacio hands the weapon to his children. On the other side you can see the two girls crying because they know that one of them is going to lose.
  • Period: 1750 BCE to 1800 BCE

    Neoclassical art

    Neoclassical art is interested in adopting classical Greek and Renaissance positions for the production of art objects. The theme was Greek and Roman mythology, it uses dramatic and tragic elements and highlights heroic actions (both mythological and historical). Its beginning is located in a reaction against the excesses committed during the baroque.
    Neoclassical architecture and sculpture make works imitating the ancient ones that existed at that time because it is its main characteristic.
  • 1657 BCE

    The Spinners, by Velázquez

    The Spinners, by Velázquez
    This painting represents the abduction of Europa, which is when Zeus transformed into a white bull seduces Europa, kidnaps her and marries her, making her the first queen of Crete to be part of a myth. The foreground is a real scene in a Santa Isabel tapestry factory in Madrid. In the painting you can see two performances that took place at different times. Velázquez painted the surface occupied by the figures and the tapestry in the background, then a wide upper band was added.
  • 1656 BCE

    Saint Peter´s square project by Bernini

    Saint Peter´s square project by Bernini
    Gian Lorenzo Bernini inaugurated the new specialty of baroque urban planning. The colonnade in St. Peter's Square is intended to be a door to the Vatican Basilica and an extension of the city church. It was designed by Pope Urban VIII who decided that Bernini would be one of his architects.
    Bernini devised a first square formed by two straight arms that open to form an elliptical square so that the Pope could be seen from any point. The two open arms symbolize the welcome of the church.
  • 1622 BCE

    Apollo and Daphne, by Bernini

    Apollo and Daphne, by Bernini
    Bernini made this statue inspired by a myth.The story begins when Cupid was humiliated by Apollo with the bow and to punish him he shot him a golden arrow to make him fall in love with Daphne, and he shot her a lead arrow to make her hate Apollo. Apollo did not stop following Daphne and she got tired and asked her father for help, who turned her into a tree. Apollo took a branch from the tree and put it on his head and from that moment on it would symbolize the warriors who would triumph in life
  • Period: 1601 BCE to 1750 BCE

    Baroque art

    It is the artistic style typical of these centuries and has its origin in Italy. It is a complex and contradictory style defined for the social, political and religious reality of the time. It is art at the service of power that expresses its ideology. The architecture has crow shapes, where there seems to be movement and has too many details (all very exaggerated), in the sculpture they have forced postures with many details and in the painting you can see the effort in depth and color.
  • 1588 BCE

    The defeat of the Spanish Armada by England

    The defeat of the Spanish Armada by England
    On August 8, 1588, the great army of Felipe II that was sent to conquer England but was defeated in the English Channel by the strong wind that made this navigation impossible. Not only had they not made any progress but they were even further from Lisbon than when the departure order was issued. In 1589 England carried out a military expedition to destroy the Spanish ships that were being rebuilt, but it was a major failure in its objectives.
    Spain lost 80 of the 130 ships it had.
  • 1579 BCE

    The signment of the Union of Arras

    The signment of the Union of Arras
    The signing of the Union of Arras was an agreement signed in the city of Arras by which some provinces in the south of Holland recognized the reign of Felipe II during the Eighty Years' War.
    What they agreed on was the expulsion of foreign troops, the continuation of the organization of the Council of State of Carlos V, the renewal of the privileges in force before the rebellion, the acceptance of two thirds of the members of the Council and Catholicism as the only religion, killing calvinism.
  • 1579 BCE

    The signment of the Union of Utrecht

    The signment of the Union of Utrecht
    The Union of Utrecht was an agreement signed in the Dutch city of Utrecht with the rebellious provinces of the Netherlands, at that time facing the Spanish Monarchy during the Eighty Years' War. After the signing of the Union of Arras on January 5, 1579, some southern provinces supported the Spanish Crown and the northern provinces reacted by signing the Union of Utrecht. The document had the right of each province to maintain its traditions, military union and freedom of religious worship.
  • Period: 1568 BCE to 1648 BCE

    The Eighty Years War

    The Eighty Years' War was a war that pitted the seventeen provinces of the Netherlands against the King of Spain (Felipe II) with the intention of achieving independence. The final result of the Eighty Years' War was the official independence of the Netherlands after the Peace of Westphalia; but it is not so clear that this was the cause of the war. This was the final result of the discrepancies between the Hispanic Monarchy and the part of the subjects they had to govern in these provinces.
  • Period: 1568 BCE to 1571 BCE

    The rebellion of the Alpujarras

    The Alpujarras rebellion was a conflict in Spain during the reign of Philip II. The Moorish population of the Kingdom of Granada took up arms in protest against the Pragmatic Sanction, which limited their cultural freedoms. When the rebels were defeated, it was decided to transfer the Moors to the rest of the Crown of Castile. Philip II was frozen by the deaths of priests at the hands of the rebels. Aside from the deaths and expulsions, thousands were sold into slavery within Spain.
  • Period: 1556 BCE to 1598 BCE

    The reign of Felipe II

    The Hispanic monarchy of Philip II: Madrid, without imperial title.
    During his reign, maximum territorial expansion was achieved and he inherited his father's enemies while trying to maintain hegemony and defend Catholicism. He made new enemies (England and Flanders) for both religious and economic reasons.
    His reign was characterized by global exploration and expansion, mainly of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Felipe III (his son) inherited his throne after his death from gout disease.
  • 1555 BCE

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The Peace of Augsburg was the agreement signed by Fernando of Austria, brother of Emperor Carlos V, with the German princes, which recognized the religious freedom that the German princes could enjoy in their corresponding states. The road to achieving the Peace of Augsburg was long due to religious problems that began when Carlos V was proclaimed Emperor and tried to establish the Catholic faith in the governed territories. But in Germany the followers of Protestantism opposed this attempt.
  • Period: 1520 BCE to 1521 BCE

    The revolt of the Comuneros in Castilla

    It took place during the reign of Charles I.
    It was an uprising armed by the comuners members of the cities of Toledo and Valladolid. This was interpreted as one of the first bourgeois revolutions. It occurred due to political instability in the Crown of Castile. The arrival of Carlos I to Castile, without knowing how to speak Spanish and bringing nobles and clerics like Corté, caused fear in the Castilian elites due to the loss of their power and status and they carried out urban revolts.
  • Period: 1516 BCE to 1556 BCE

    The reign of Carlos I

    Carlos I, son of Juana I of Castile and Felipe I the Fair, was king of Spain with several other titles.
    The objective of his reign was to dedicate himself to solving the problems that Lutheranism had created in Europe and Germany, in order to save the unity of the Christian faith against the Turks.
    The first conflicts were in Castile (revelation of the citizens) and in Aragon (conflict of the Germanías).
    Carlos I stops praying due to illness and he leaves it to his brother and his son.
  • 1509 BCE

    The school of Athens, by Raphael Sanzio

    The school of Athens, by Raphael Sanzio
    The School of Athens is one of the most famous paintings by the artist Rafael Sanzio. It was made in sketch between 1509 and 1510 and painted between 1510 and 1512 as part of a commission to decorate the rooms of the Vatican Palace with frescoes. The Stanza della Segnatura, the room where the School of Athens is located, was the first room decorated and the second painting completed, after The Dispute of the Sacrament. It was founded to teach philosophy, astronomy, medicine, rhetoric, etc...
  • 1498 BCE

    Pietá, by Michelangelo Buonarroti

    Pietá, by Michelangelo Buonarroti
    This work of art is a sculpture, made by Michelangelo, this work belongs to the Renaissance era, the theme of "piety" is based on religion, since Jesus Christ and the Virgin Maria appear.
    You can see Jesus dead motionless and without strength, his body seems like he is going to fall while the virgin holds him up so that he does not fall.
    The face of the Virgin Maria reflects the pain of a mother at the death of her son, she expresses anguish and pain through the gaze of Jesus.
  • 1420 BCE

    Florence Cathedral´s dome, by Brunelleschi

    Florence Cathedral´s dome, by Brunelleschi
    The dome of the Florence Cathedral was designed by Anolfo di Cambio in 1296 and in 1418 it was completed but without a dome. The dome was built in 1420 by Brunelleschi who was an Italian sculptor architect who became well known for his work on the Dome.
    The dome rises on an octagonal drum, which allowed the entire dome to be built from the surface, and has one of the largest murals in the world, decorated inside with a series of scenes from the Last Judgment.
  • Period: 1401 BCE to 1600 BCE


    The Renaissance was born in Italy and spread throughout Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. It is a stage in the history of culture (a cultural movement), that is, a special way of understanding life and culture, a new way of making art.
    This movement ended the medieval era and began the beginning of the modern era.Its origin was due to the influence of humanists and the participation of patrons who used part of their money for artistic projects or to finance the career of an artist.
  • Period: to