The car invention

  • the first powerd car ever made

    the first powerd car ever made
    In 1886 the first petrol or gasoline powered automobile the Benz Patent-Motorwagen was invented by Karl Benz.
  • First person to drive a car

    Bertha Benz was the first person to drive a car over a long distance.
  • Car

    The car inventions can help people get to other destinatoins faster.
  • cars can be used for different things.

    cars can be used for different things.
    Cars can be used for many different things, like car racing, and just driving in genral.
  • cars increasing

    cars increasing
    This is a chart showing how cars have improved from technology.
  • cars today

    cars today
    The cars today are way different, and can do better things.
  • Future cars

    Future cars
    Already engineers are already making future cars, that are faster stronger and look more modern.