

  • Susie's Murder

    Susie Salmon, a 14 year old girl who is killed by her neighbor George Harvey. On her way home from school she took a shortcut through a cornfield. Harvey approached her and brought her to an old sinkhole and murdered her there. He then disposed her body parts in and vintage safe and paid someone to sink it in quick sand. He managed to suceed and he didn't get caught.
  • The Elbow

    A neigbors dog found an elbow by the cornfeild. It was thought to be Susies elbow. It was the only hope for Susie's family, the Salmons that Susie could still be alive .
  • The Notes

    The police found Susie's English class notes near the cornfeild along with a love note from Ray Singh. The love note made the police think that Ray Singh could be a lead to Susie Salmons murder.
  • Suspicions

    Susie's father, Jack Salmon suspects George.Harvey as the one who is responsible for the murder of his daughter. When Jack was helping Mr.Harvey build his tent in Harvey's backyard, Susie's dad noticed that something was abnormal about Mr. Harvey. The police just shook his suspicions about George Harvey thinking Salmon was only depressed.
  • Evidence

    Detective Len Fenerman knocked at the Salmons door to share the evidence that the police found which was Susie's backpack, the notes, and a pompom. Len also shares with the family that he thinks Susie most likely be dead.
  • Memorial

    Susie's school orgainzed a memorial for her, this was her first memorial since her death. Most of the community attended and even Susie's wacky Grandmother Lynn came down just to go to the memorial which was unusual because Grandma Lynn only visits once or at most twice a year.
  • Jack in the Cornfeild

    From Jack Salmon's den he sees a light outside of his window and puts on his coat and follows it into the dark night. The light leads him into the cornfeild. Jack thought he was being lead by Susie to Harvey. Turns out he scares Clarissa, who is Susie's friend. Brian, Clarissa's boyfriend heard he scream and thought Clarissa was in trouble so Brian starts to beat up Jack Salmon, which ends Jack into a hospital.
  • Lindsey Investigates

    Lindsey sneaks into Mr. Harveys house when he isn't there to try to get clues on her sister's murder. When Lindsay goes upstairs she finds a sketch of an underground cave on his desk. Harvey comes home and hears noise upstairs and goes up to investagate while Lindsey quicky jumps out the window.
  • Harvey calls the Police

    Harvey hides his valuables in a secret hole in his basement and calls the police, telling them that he has been robbed. He plans to flee the town. Jack also calls the police, but then learns they are already at Harvey’s house. Harvey allows the police to search his home. The police tell him Lindsey found the drawing of the murder cave. He tells police he sketched it after Susie’s death, to try to solve the murder. The police apologize to him and leave.
  • Bye Mom

    Susie's mother Abigail leaves to New Hampshire to her father's cabin to startover and to try to forget about her problems in her family. She decides to move to Califorina and get a job at a local Winery. Every step she takes she see Susie.
  • Grandma Lynn

    Grandma Lynn decides to move in with Jack, Lindsey, and Buckley because Abigail has been gone for four months, and Grandma Lynn figured Lindsey and Buckley need a female role-model.
  • The Anniversary

    Ray and Ruth go to the cornfield because it was the second anniversary of Susie’s death. Samuel and Hal are there, and others Susie knew. Lindsey looks out the window to see what all the commotion was about. She relized they were observing and tells Abigail. Abigail is not interested and she would rather read. Lindsey sits and watches from the window.
  • He was Right...

    Len Fenerman re-examines the evidence from years ago. He finds a coke can with Harvey's and Susie's finger prints .He realizes Jack had been right about Harvey all along. When he tries to look up Harvey, there are no records of a man named George Harvey. Len tries to trace him through the dollhouses, but that didn't work. He realizes he let a murderer get away.
  • Growing Up

    Ruth and Ray have already left their town to go off to college. Ruth moves to New York and rents an affordable walk-in closet. When she strolls around the city she senses traces of murder. Ray studies medicine and sometimes thinks of Susie..
  • Going Home

    Lindsey and Samuel are riding home on Samuels motorcylce after their graduation out of college. Halfway home it starts to rain heavily, so they go into the woods. They find an old house and decided yo go around a explore, Inside, Samuel asks Lindsey to marry him, and if they can make this house theirs. Lindsey says yes and they go home to tell the news.
  • Mom is Back

    Abigail Salmon, Susie's mother learns Mr. Salmon has suffered a heart attack. She flies back home to see him. It is her first trip back in eight years. Abigail barely recognized Lindsey but recognized Buckley right away, block her out and ignored her. When Abigail cried Buckley wasn't affected.
    Jack woke up when Abigail entered the room. He was elated to see her.
  • Susie is Back?

    Susie's soul switched into Ruth's body.When Susie opens her eyes she finds herself in Ray’s arms. Susie tells Ray to kiss her. He realizes she is not Ruth so he calls her Susie, not Ruth. Susie tells him she watched both of them for years. She tells him to read Ruth’s journals before he leaves the room. Susie calls Buckley, but he cannot hear her. When Ray comes back into the room he realizes that Ruth's soul was back.
  • Happy Endings

    Right after Lindsey and Samuel marry, they move into the old house the discovered on the way home from college. Ruth’s father sells them the house after Samuel pays him in labor as his first employee in the restoration process.
  • A.S. Heckler

    Lindsey discovers she is pregnant will named he daughter Abigail Suzanne after her mother and her deceased sister Susie. Lindsey becomes a therapist. From this point on the holes started to fill.
  • Susie?

    Len Fenerman, the detective assigned to Susie's case, learns that Susie's charm was found by a local hunter near the body of a murdered girl in 1976. This haunted Fenerman's mind wondering if this body was Susie's. He tried to avoid talking to Susie's family after he knew this.