History of the telephone

The life of the Telephone

  • Original Telephone Sketch

    Original Telephone Sketch
    Antonio Meucci in 1849 designs a sketch for a talking telegraph ( telephone). This invention is what really starts the life of the telephone.
  • Period: to

    The life of the Telephone

  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell makes the first telephone with a successful patent. A few other people came up with an invention but they did not get a successful patent and Alexander did.
  • Invention of the Loading coils

    Invention of the Loading coils
    George Campbell and Graham Pupin create the loading coils to increase better connection and reduce static. This helped people to communicate better when they tried to call.
  • First Transcontinental Phone Call

    First Transcontinental Phone Call
    Alexander Graham Bell makes the first transcontinental phone call by calling someone in San Francisco while he is in New York. This is one of the major innovations or events that really shocked the world.
  • The Model 500 Phone

    The Model 500 Phone
    AT&T invent the Model 500 phone which combined a ringer and a handset. This was like a cell phone back then because a lot of people had these and you see them a lot in old movies.
  • The Touchtone Telephone

    The Touchtone Telephone
    The first Touchtone telephone was known as the Western Electric 1500 and it had 10 push buttons. When this came out, it was as big and popular as the Model 500 if not bigger. This has been a ajor improvement from the phone which was invented almost 100 years ago.
  • 911 is Made

    911 is invented and becomes a national emergency number to contact the police or the fire department for help. This really helped the nation and kept a lot of people safe.
  • The First Portable Cell Phone

    The First Portable Cell Phone
    The First Portable Cell Phone is made by Martin Cooper of Motorola. After this came out, Apple started making improvements into the Iphone we know today. The phone has come a long way in 100 years.
  • Steve Jobs announces the Iphone.

    Steve Jobs announces the Iphone.
    In January of 2007, Steve Jobs announces the first ever IPhone which we all know and love today. This IPhone has become a dependent source of communication and entertainment and it has really brought the world to how it is today