The Life of Rosa

By mariom
  • Birthday

    Rosa Valadez is welcomed into the world by her parents in Jalisco.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    May 17, 1954, was a great day for african americans. That day segragation in scshools was ofically considered unconstitutional and schools were forced to segragate
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks takes a Mongomery bus home after work and is asked by the bus driver to move more to the back to make room for more white passangers. Rosa was in the colored section so she said no, to the driver. The driver had her arrested and that sparked the Montgomery bus boycott.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    In Montgomery a Bus boycoot began when Rosa Parks was arrested on bus. Thr bus boycott was for blacks to avoid using city transportation and walk places.
  • 1st Day of School

    Rosa goes to school for the first time.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    September 24, 1957 a group of 9 african american students are not allowed to enter their school. The National Guard had to come and escort the nine to inside the school and to their classes.
  • Students Begin Sit In

    Students Begin Sit In
    A group of students have a sit in in Greensboro, North Carolina because they would not be seved because it was a white establishment. Six months later they are served.
  • The Freedom Riders

    The Freedom Riders
    There was a group called The Freedom Riders, that departed Wahsington D.C on a trip all the way to the deep, deep south. Thier goal was to test the segragation and how would they be treated in everyone of their stops.
  • 1st Time at a Zoo

    Rosa is now 11 and visits for the zoo for the first time.
  • Birhiming Bombing

    Birhiming Bombing
    Om september 15 a bombing happened in church that was for mostly black civil rights leaders. Four young girls died and many others injured.
  • 1st Time at a Movie

    Rosa goes to a movie theater for the first time in the US.
  • Goes to America

    Rosa moves to the United States for a better life for her family.
  • Gets Married

    Rosa gets married to Jose Valadez.
  • 1st Daughter is Born

    Elizabeth is born and is the first daughter of Rosa. Elizabeth was born in Chicago.
  • 2nd Daughter is Born

    Now Gracelia is born in Jalisco.
  • 3rd Daughter is Born

    Finally Brenda Valadez is born in Chicago and is the last daugher.
  • Husband Passes Away

    Jose, Rosa's husband, passes away because of cancer.