Short and curly

The Life of Alicia Keys by Kaiya

  • Born

    Alicia Augello Cook was born on Januray 21,1981
  • Period: to

    The Life of Alicia Keys

  • Piano Training

    Piano Training
    Alicia started piano training at age 7 but she wanted to quit beacause she saw how bad her mother was struggling.
  • Becoming A Singer

    Becoming A Singer
    Alicia entered Professional Porformance Art School in Manhatten she saw a future of becoming a singerand quickly found a manger she met someone named Jeff Robinson

    In 2005 Alicia Keys MTV bring back Unpugged series.
  • Acting

    Alicia made her acting debut in killer action movie 'Smokin Aces' in 2006.
  • Second Movie

    Second Movie
    In 2007 Alicia Keys follwed 'Somkin Aces' with 'The Nanny Diaries.That same year Alicia Keys released her third alumb and won 3 more Grammy's.
  • Superwoman

    Alicia Keys won a Grammy for her hit single Superwoman
  • Oprah

    Alicia Keys was in the Oprah magizine in 2011 and said that 'I want my music to fit in every catorgary and, float where ever my haert goes'.
  • Eygpt

    Alicia Keys had her son named Eygpt
  • Married

    In 2011 Alicia Keys got married to Hip Hop poudcer Kasseem Dean also known as Swizz Beats
  • Happy Brithday!!!!

    Happy Brithday!!!!
    Alicia Keys just had her 31st Brithday 1 week ago