
The Life and Times of E.A. Poe

By SJarman
  • The way it beginngs...

    The way it beginngs...
    Poe is born on January 19,1809 in Boston, MA. The same year that Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin are born
  • 1810 His parents divorce...

  • Mr. & Mrs. John Allan adopt Edgar

  • 1815 Poe is sent to England for school

  • 1820 Edgar returns to the US to continue his schooling.

  • Edgar attends UVA

    Edgar attends UVA
  • Poe Drops out of UVA because John Allen won't give him money

  • Poe writes his first book, "Tamerlane & other Poems

    Poe writes his first book, "Tamerlane & other Poems
  • Poe can't support himself so he joins the US Army

    Poe can't support himself so he joins the US Army
  • Mrs. Allan dies, Edgar returns home, John Allan & he temporaily reconciles. Poe applies to West Point

    Mrs. Allan dies, Edgar returns home, John Allan & he temporaily reconciles. Poe applies to West Point
  • Poe gets kicked out of West Point

  • After many rejections, Poe wins a contest, gets a job & publishes "Manuscript Found in a Bottle

  • Poe marries his cousin Virgina, she is 13

    Poe marries his cousin Virgina, she is 13
  • Poe writes "The Fall of the House of Usher"

  • "The Murders in the Rue Morgue"

  • Poe moves back to New York

    Poe moves back to New York
  • The Raven is published

  • Virigina dies from tuberculosis

  • Poe dies - cause unknown

    Poe dies - cause unknown