Labor movement 1

The labor movement.

  • Knights of Labor is founded.

    Knights of Labor is founded.
    Uriah Stephens Forms the Knights of labor. A labor organization that grew to be a very esential part of the labor movement,
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    Riot at haymarket square in chicago for an 8 hour work day. Errupted into chaos when a bomb was thrown and shots were fired. This incident creates tuurmoil within the movement
  • Sherman Anti trust Act

    Created to block business monopolies and used against Unions
  • Homestead Strike

    A strike at homestead steel works becomes violent. This riot ended in 18 people killed and it resulted in the steel industry being safeguarded from unions.
  • Pullman strike

    Pullman strike
    wokrers at Pullman car works put down their tools and wlaked off their jobs
  • IWW/Wobblies

    The IWW Industrial Workers of the World, was formed, and used violent confrontations to get what they want