The History of the Flu and Cold By:Ava Jones P3

  • The Flu pandemic

    The Flu pandemic
    The great flu pandemic of 1918-1919, was the deadliest in modern history. This killed about 500 million people around the world.
  • The start of the Flu

    The start of the Flu
    Influenza was discovered not by a study of the disease in humans, but from studies on animal diseases. In 1918, J.S. Koen, a veterinarian, observed a disease in pigs which was the same disease as the now famous “Spanish” influenza pandemic of 1918.
  • The real cause discoverd of the flu

    The real cause discoverd of the flu
    During the flu epidemic people started to reliaze what the flu was. It was a virus.
  • The Spanish Flu

    The Spanish Flu
    December 1920 was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus.
  • The History of Flu vaccines

    The History of Flu vaccines
    In 1933, researchers discovered that viruses cause influenza . Prior to 1933, a bacteria named Haemophilus influenzae was thought to cause the flu. In 1938, the first vaccine or shot against flu viruses was developed.
  • How people tried to prevent the flu

    How people tried to prevent the flu
    Until the year of 1944 there was no cure to the flu. So people would try to fine creative ways to prevent it. But, the found out it was a virus and there was no other way to cure it but a vaccine.
  • The first cold cure

    The first cold cure
    The first cures to cold the was hot soup and tea with lemon.
  • The start of the cold

    The start of the cold
    The cold started to show up after WW2.
  • How people tried to prevent the cold

    How people tried to prevent the cold
    people tried to prevent the cold. They came up with very simple things that we use now like washing your hands often.
  • Jonas Salk and Thomas Francis

    Jonas Salk and Thomas Francis
    Jonas Salk and Thomas Francis invented the first flu shot. Dr. Salk used his experience with influenza vaccine to create the flu vaccine along iwth others like polio in 1952.