History of earth

The History of the Earth

  • Period: 4500 BCE to 541 BCE


    -Guide fossil: Stromatolites
    -Origin and early evolution of the Earth
    -Reducing atmosphere to oxizing atmosphere
    -Oceanic environment
  • 3800 BCE

    1st life forms ➙ 4:10

    1st life forms ➙ 4:10
    First microscopic life forms similars to bacterias. Cell structure, lacking of nucleus. Marine environment. First eukaryotic and prokaryotic forms of life.
  • 2500 BCE

    1st most complex life forms ➙ 9:07

    1st most complex life forms ➙ 9:07
    Related to de rise in oxygen. Eukaryotic cells and multicellular organisms appear. Marine environment.
  • 542 BCE

    Great explosion of life ➙ 21:10

    Great explosion of life ➙ 21:10
    Multicellular algae and invertebrates develop. Marine and land environment. Arthropods, such as trilobites. In this era the main groups of animals present today appears.
  • Period: 541 BCE to 252 BCE


    -Guide fossil: Trilobites
    -Big orogenies and volcanisms
    -Warm climate
    -Oceanic and land environment
  • 419 BCE

    Age of the fish ➙ 21:37

    Age of the fish ➙ 21:37
    The fish develop and colonization of the mainland begins with the gymnosperm plants. Then the jawed fish formed
  • 359 BCE

    First terrestrial plants (gymnosperms) ➙ 21:48

    First terrestrial plants (gymnosperms) ➙ 21:48
    Warm and humid climate favors the development of swampy expanses and the irruption of large coniferous and ferns forests
  • 299 BCE

    Amphibian age ➙ 22:13

    Amphibian age ➙ 22:13
    Amphibians appears, colonize the aquatic and terrestrial environment. These amphibians lobed lungs and fins that supported the body
  • Period: 252 BCE to 66 BCE


    -Guide fossil: Ammonites
    -Meteorite impact
    -Warm and dry climate and low sea level
    -Oceanic and land environment
  • 251 BCE

    Age of the reptiles ➙ 22:43

    Age of the reptiles ➙ 22:43
    Large reptiles, like the dinosaurs colonize both terrestrial and aquatic environments. Dinosaurs were reptiles with backbones that had four legs: the front legs shorter than the back ones
  • 201 BCE

    1st angiosperms ➙ 23:22

    1st angiosperms ➙ 23:22
    Plants experiment a great diversification especially conifers and angiosperms, flowering plants. They have roots, stems and leaves and their flowers were very showy. They are characteristic of land areas, located near water
  • 142 BCE

    Age of the birds ➙ 23:39

    Age of the birds ➙ 23:39
    Diversification of birds that develop through carnivorous dinosaurs
    Its bones were light, its legs were long, and its body was covered with feathers of various kinds, especially the ones from its arms, which were long and overlapping. They dominated the land and especially the air environment.
  • Period: 66 BCE to


    -Guide fossil: Nummulites, sea origin
    -Complete development of the Alpine orogeny
    -Glacial and interglacial periods
    -Oceanic and land environment
  • 3 BCE

    1st hominids ➙ 23:53

    1st hominids ➙ 23:53
    2.6 million of years ago. Remains of the genus homo. They are primates adapted to terrestrial life, to walk upright in a bipedal posture, with the skull also vertical.
  • 1 BCE

    1st Homo sapiens ➙ 23:59

    1st Homo sapiens ➙ 23:59
    195,000 years ago. Hands and feet with five fingers, plantigrade feet, opposable thumb on hands and feet, clavicles presents, flat nails instead of claws, color vision...