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The History of Education

By dvf1064
  • The Boston Latin School

    The Boston Latin School
    Boston Latin School was first public secondary school and was opened in Massachusetts.
  • The Slave Code of South Carolina

    The Slave Code of South Carolina
    [The Slave Code of South Carolina]( was a law created in order to control the population of African American slaves. This included supervision while learning to read, write, and grow their own food.
  • The First School Superintendent Appointed

    The First School Superintendent Appointed
    The First School Superintendent was appointed in New York.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    [The Department of Education]( was created and provided information of education to the state and local educational authoriteis.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    [African American Education History]( [Plessy v Ferguson]( is the Supreme Court case that constituted the racial segregation in private businesses.
  • The International Council of Exceptional Children

    The International Council of Exceptional Children
    The International Council for Exceptional Children was founded at Columbia University Teachers College.
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test

    Scholastic Aptitude Test
    [SAT History]( The Scholastic Aptitude Test, or Scholastic Assesment Test, was first administered.
  • National School Lunch Act

    National School Lunch Act
    This Act was instilled and created a enviornment where there were low-cost and free meals available to specifical students.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    [More History ]( The Supreme Court Decision that "in the field of public education the docterine of "seperate but equal" has no place. Seperate educational facilities are inherently unequal..."
  • American College Testing

    The ACT was first administered.
  • Engel v Vitale

    Engel v Vitale
    [Student Made Video]( The [Engel v Vitale ]( case stated the official prayer in public schools is unconstitutional.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    [Video]( [The Civil Rights Act of 1964]( banned the discrimination based on sex.
  • The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    [The Elementary and Secondary Education Act]( focuses on equal access to education
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    Equal Educational Opportunities Act
    [Other Equal Education Issues]( [The Equal Education Opprotunities Act]( prohibited racial segregation.
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    [IDEA Today]( [The Education for All Handicapped Children Act]( provided an appropriate education for childrens with disabilities.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    [Waiting For Superman]( [No Child Left Behind]( iis an act that stated states are expected to make annual progress and this would be obsereved through standardized testing.
  • Race to the Top

    Race to the Top
    [President Obama]( [The Ract to the Top]( competition intended to spark reforms and innovation.