
the history of cars

  • the first motor

    the first motor
    the first motor for cars was invented
  • ford motor company came out

    ford motor company came out
  • ford introduces tin lizzie

    ford introduces  tin lizzie
    Henry Ford introduces the first Model-T car, otherwise known as the Tin Lizzie. The car is generally considered the first affordable automobile
  • First four wheel brake system implemented.

    First four wheel brake system implemented.
    Michelin introduces the fire pneumatic car tire, which is a tire made of reinforced rubber and filled with compressed air.
  • First electric traffic light invented.

    First electric traffic light invented.
    Police officer Lester Wire invents the first electric traffic light. The first actual light was installed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914.
  • First moving assembly line invented.

    First moving assembly line invented.
    Ford Motor Company invents and implements that first moving assembly line designed for cars. The production of automobiles is radically transformed, leading to the production of more cars than ever before.
  • New land speed record set

    New land speed record set
    Parry Thomas sets the new land speed record in Pendine Wales, UK with a speed of 272km/h.
  • First car radio installed.

    First car radio installed.
    Galvin Manufacturing Corporated, under the direction of Paul V. Galvin and Joseph E. Glavin invest and install the first car radio.
  • Flashing turn signals invented.

    Flashing turn signals invented.
    The Delaware company uses a thermal interrupter to create the flashing turn signal.
  • First diesel passenger car introduced.

    First diesel passenger car introduced.
    Mercedes-Benz introduces the 260-D, the first diesel passenger car. By 1939, there was a fifteen month waiting list for the car.
  • Land speed record broken once more

    Land speed record broken once more