The Great Depression

  • The stock market crashes

    The stock market crashes
    Black Thursday brought in a world-wide economic depression.
  • Salt Prodution

    Salt Prodution
    Mahatma Gandhi a spiritual leader lead the Salt March in protest against the goverments monopoly on Salt Production.
  • Guy Menzies

    Guy Menzies
    Guy Menzies flies the first solo non-stop trans-Tasman flight in 11 hours and 45 minutes, he crash lands in New Zealeands west coast.
  • Washington D.C.

    Washington D.C.
    In Washington D.C. the police fire tear gas on WW1 veterans who attempted to masrch to the White House.
  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
    THe 20th amendment was ratified and changed the date of US presidential inauguration to the 20th of January.
  • U.S. Court

    U.S. Court
    THe U.S. Court of Appeals upheald lower aourt ruling striking down goverments attempt to band controversial novel "Ulysses"
  • Black Saturday

    Black Saturday
    Black Saturday is considered the worst sand storm as it ravages in the U.S. midwest (created The Dust Bowl)
  • Guns

    The sirst semi-automatic rifles were adopted by the U.S. Army
  • Hastle

    William H Hastle becomes the first black federal judge
  • Nazi

    The Nazi Germany invades Austria
  • Black Friday

    Black Friday
    Black Friday bush fire burns 20,000 square kilometers of land in Australia killing 71 people.
  • Roosevelt

    Roosevelt was elected to a third term as president