The Great Depression

  • 21st amendment

    21st amendment
    The 21st amendment replaced the 18th amendment of the constitution by removing prohibition making alcohol legal again
  • The Business Cycle

    The Business Cycle
    The business cycle was the rise and fall of goods and production it graphed when it happened how it went too recession, Depression, Recover, and prosperity.
  • Stock Market Crashed

    Stock Market Crashed
    On October 29, 1929, also known as black Tuesday the stock market crashed people tried to sell their stock but there were no buyers.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The new deal was to help people in need that lost all their money when the stock market crashed it was established by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930's.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    FDR was the 32nd president of the U.S.A he spent 4 timers in office he was a Democrat and had a plan for the US called the "New Deal."
  • Hawley Smoot Tariff

    Hawley Smoot Tariff
    the act raised the tariff on over 20,000 import goods it was sponsored by Reed Smoot the president at that time was
  • Court Packing

    Court Packing
    Court-packing was when FDR wanted to get rid of conservatives from the supreme court by adding new members that supported what he wanted to do.
  • 22nd amendment

    22nd amendment
    The 22nd amendment made it were a president can only sever 2 terms.