1990s history

The Good Ol' Days

  • Period: to

    The 1990s

  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    international conflict that was caused by Iraq's invasion on Kuwait. The UN Security Council, on November 29, approved the use of force against Iraq if it did not withdraw from Kuwait by January 15, 1991.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Persian Gulf War
    Iraq troops invade Kuwait, leading to the Persian Gulf War
  • 1990 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 5.4%
    Household Income = $28,506
    GDP = $5.5T
    Unemployment = 5.4%
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 10.13%
  • Fall of USSR

    Fall of USSR
    In 1979, the Soviets appeared invincible. However, war in Afghanistan combined with the pressures of having to keep up with the American arms buildup strained the system.
  • 1991 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 4.2%
    Household Income = $28,875
    GDP = $5.9T
    Unemployment = 6.4%
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 9.5%
  • 1992 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 3.0%
    Household Income = $29,473
    GDP = $6.3T
    Unemployment = 7.3%
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 8.4%
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton is inaugurated as the 42nd president
  • 1993 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 3.0%
    Household Income = $30,210
    GDP = $6.6T
    Unemployment = 7.3%
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 7.33%
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    it was between the United States, Canada, and Mexico (NAFTA) came into force. NAFTA created the world's largest free trade area.
  • 1994 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 2.6%
    Household Income = $31,338
    GDP = $7.1 T
    Unemployment = 6.6%
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 8.36%
  • Government Shutdown

    Government Shutdown
    the U.S. government was shut down as a result of a budgetary impasse between Congress and the White House. Between Bill Clinton and Republican speaker Newt Gingrich.
  • 1995 Economio Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 2.8%
    Household Income = $33,238
    GDP = $7.4 T
    Unemployment = 5.6%
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 7.96%
  • 1996 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 3.0%
    Household Income = $34,704
    GDP = $7.8 T
    Unemployment = 5.6%
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 7.81%
  • 1997 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 2.3%
    Household Income = $36,210
    GDP = $8.3 T
    Unemployment = 5.3%
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 7.6%
  • 1998 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 1.6 %
    Household Income = $38,127
    GDP = $8.7 T
    Unemployment = 4.6 %
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 6.94 %
  • 1999 Economic Indicators

    Inflation Rate = 2.2%
    Household Income = $39,985
    GDP = $9.3 T
    Unemployment = 4.3 %
    30 Yr Mortgage Rate = 7.43%