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The first and second deals

  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
    Made to to insure bank deposits, curb bank runs, and reduce the number of bank failures.
  • Emergency banking relief act

    Emergency banking relief act
    Made to shore up the nation’s troubled banking
  • national housing act

    national housing act
    sets standards for construction and underwriting, and insures loans made by banks.
  • Security’s exchange act

    Security’s exchange act
    monitors the financial reports that publicly traded companies are required to disclose.
  • National labor relations act

    National labor relations act
    guarantees the right of private sector employees to organize into trade unions, engage in collective bargaining, and take collective action such as strikes.
  • Social security act

    Social security act
    creates a system of transfer payments where younger working people support older, retired people.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    created to provide jobs for unemployed Americans and to improve the nation’s infrastructure.
  • Soil Conservation Act

    Soil Conservation Act
    allowed the government to pay farmers to reduce production so as to conserve soil and prevent erosion.