
The Fighting Ground timeline *Josh*

  • Jonothan hers the bell 9:58

    Jonathan hears the bell for the fist time this day, at 9:58. Both him and his dad knows what it means. It means they are rallying soldiers for a fight.
  • Jonothan gets accepted! 11:30

    Jonothan gets Accepted! But the only reason he's acepted is because they really needed soldiers. This is good news to Jonathan, Because he allways wanted to fight the British.
  • Battle begins! 2:50

    The Battle finally begins. The Americans realize they are fighting the Hessians, Germans hired by the British. They Are greatly outnumbered.
  • Jonothan gets captured 3:50

    During the fight with the Hessians, Jonothan runs away. He runs away to a a a bush, were he passes out. He awakes to find three Hessians looking for him. He surenders, Because he feels He would rather be kept prisoner that killed.
  • Jonothan digs the grave 7:35

    After being taken to a uninhabited house were the Hessians and prisoner Jonothan seem to "hang out", Jonothan finds a boy. The boy seems to be unable to speak, and seems reluctant to Jonothan picking him up. Jonothan finds what appears to be the boy's dead parents. He then builds a grave, with one of the Hessians help.
  • Jonothan runs away 9:15

    After about six hours, Jonothan finally runs away. the Hessians are asleep, so he is able to run away. He grabs they boy, and takes off.
  • He finds the Americans 11:25

    After a while, he finally finds the Americans. They set out to find the Hessians.
  • Period: to

    The Fighting Ground

  • They kill the soldiers.

    The Americans finally kill the soldiers. Jonothan decidies he wants to try to help them, but the die anyway. Then, Jonothan retuns to his relieved mom and dad.